Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Hate My Brazilian Wax

Academic Labor:

1. Teaching:

1.1. Epistemology of Geography


In general, the degree is based on the training of teachers in the social sciences to serve as facilitators of learning the concepts and processes such basic sciences, basic education levels of primary, secondary, middle vocational and university education in the same way, as advocates and researchers at the level of extension or community development
[1] .

In this regard, training for Graduates in Social Sciences seeks to promote a critical view of education and the issues and concerns referred from the discipline of geography as the relationships of society, human groups and between them and the environment. From this perspective, the epistemology of geography considers the different forms of knowledge production and likewise expresses the philosophical and conceptual body which has developed and evolved this discipline through different historical periods. In this vein, the course deals with analytical and reflective inquiry in order to study geography, its paradigms, concepts and categories, study undertaken in the field of social sciences, particularly in environmental issues and spatial relationships . Thus, we recognize the diversity of approaches and forms of interpretation that geography contributes to understanding and solving the most pressing problems of modern society, such as poverty, unemployment, marginalization and segregation socio-spatial, regional imbalances, regional differentiation, environmental degradation, etc.

also the course of the Epistemology of Geography allows students to acquire the theoretical and conceptual bases for understanding the various sub-disciplines such as Geography Physical Geography, Human, Regional and Spatial Analysis, and methodologies, methods and techniques they develop, and usefulness to the social sciences.


know the different philosophical and epistemological science, and assess its impact on the historical development of geographical theory, as well as representing the utility in the study of social sciences.

Specific objectives:

Meet, discuss and grasp a set of concepts, categories and principles of the discipline of geography. Recognize
horizon and time scale paradigms, schools, current thinking and approaches in geography influential and relevant to its perpetrators.
provide the theoretical basis for future courses in the subdiscipline of physical geography, human, regional and spatial analysis of the program of Bachelor of Social Sciences. Procedural

identify, discuss and appropriate methodologies, methods and techniques for the construction of geographical knowledge from diverse philosophical and theoretical perspective, and disciplinary interests.
Provide methodological and pedagogical tools for understanding the theory and geographic knowledge. Induce
critical thinking and open discussion among participants in educational activities (teacher-student-community), in relation to every of phenomena to be treated.
approach capacity, interaction and development of community-based project. Undertake tasks
non-formal educational training with communities. Attitudinal

Build on the student motivation for the study of geography through a dialectical process of deconstruction-construction of ideas and concepts about reality.
motivate the student's understanding of his work as an educator and promoter of socioeconomic changes on different scales and geographic areas. Individual and collective participation
: Debate, dialogue and permanent construction with students from multiple points view of the objects of knowledge of geography

Program Content Summary:

Knowledge Object: explanatory perspectives on the definition of the object of study of the geographical discipline. Source
contemporary geography: The emergence of geography as an academic discipline
formal education and geographical education: Education and Professional Training
scientific paradigms and Geography: Empirical-Analytical Sciences and Historical Hermeneutical

Rise of Physical Geography
difficulties for the creation of human geography as a positive science
Alexander Von Humboldt and the Theory of the Earth
Carl Ritter and empirical observation

III. Geographical determinism
Influence of Darwin's theories in geography and anthropogeography
Ratzel: The Geography positivist in Germany
Ellen Churchill Semple and Ellsworth Huntington: The school determinism American Geographical

Contributions Paul Vidal de la Blache
French School (Elysée Reclus, Jean Brunhes, Lucien Febvre): Region as an object of geographical research synthesis and

and Berkeley School: The Genres of Life.

VI. Logical positivism and quantitative geography: NEW GEOGRAPHY "
Logical Positivism and Social Sciences
models and patterns of social organization: Social Physics
Theories, Laws and Models in geography: David Harvey

VII. BREACH OF Positivism And Geographies RADICAL
Incorporation of Marxist thought in geography: Richard Peet, David Harvey, Henry Lefebvre
Milton Santos: The social construction of space

Recovery from personal experience:
perceived space: Edward Relph and Yi-Fu Tuan
mind mapping technique

The discourse of postmodernism and geography
postmodern postmodernism, feminism and gender geography

The influence of Anthony Giddens in Geography: Space, structured social systems and social actors

conceptual perspective geographic works made in Colombia: Analysis of the philosophical and epistemological influences
travelers Stories: Humboldt, Hettner, Reclus, Camacho Roldan, Codazzi and the Commission Chorographic, Parsons, etc.
Molano, Joaquín. The Region in the environmental context. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Note: a.
Review the basic standards on the Teaching of Social Sciences in Latin America and Colombia. B.
Analysis of school textbooks: Concepts and Paradigms in geographical teaching school. C.
Analyze how you have entered or left out environmental theories in school processes in the country. D.
Develop a proposal for Teaching and Learning Geography in the school system including the topics covered during the course.

Methodological proposal:
The theoretical course is practical in a process of reflection on issues set out, from:

conceptual statement of the teacher and student participation and reading literature
Consultation matter required (mostly) and optional (some of them).
During the sessions are short quizzes, workshops, group work, seminars and preparation of rapporteurs. Making
work and tests which involve the knowledge apprehended along the course and critical positions address the issues, as well as inclusion in a Master Plan of Teaching Geographical Theory and Practice.

General evaluation criteria:

The student evaluation is aimed at:
Establish the process of individual and collective construction of knowledge about the geographical epistemology
ownership, management and argumentation of concepts of geographical discipline.
Class participation and development of teaching strategies for learning the issues.

Grading System:
First Part: Second Part
20% 20%
quizzes, workshops, group work, presentations, rapporteurs, testing: 30% Final exam
(Proposed): 30%

Evaluation Criteria :

1. Compliance: Delivery of work - competition encourages social responsibility.
2. Content-consistency: The relationship between the constituent parts of the project, work carried out (writing: introduction, development of ideas in the body of work, conclusions, bibliography)
3. Reason: Planning and Development of working hypotheses
4. Originality: Is defined by three levels (a. if it is simply a story-literal description of an author's ideas on the subject; b. if you also take into account the analysis of arguments-known authors presented their own ideas; c. and if also involves other topics and issues of interest: teaching the subject in the educational system (formal education), community (informal education) and the implications for society in which we are registered and which do party (society-school-research-action).
5. Conclusions-Bibliography: They relate to the above at work, and recognized authors consider, search other sources (internet: in geography - Geocriticism: electronic journal of the University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200betc.).

Bielza DE ORY Ed. I. General Geography Volumes I and II. Madrid, Taurus Ediciones, SA, 1984
BROWN, EH. Geography Past and Future. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica., 1985.
CAPEL, Horacio. Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Geography. Barcelona. Barcanova Ed., 1988.
CAPEL, Horacio and URTEAGA, Luís. New Geographies. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAula Abierta Salvat., 1985.
nail it, Paul. Evolution of Human Geography. Barcelona. Editorial Oikos-Tau. Second edition, 1981. DELGADO
MAHECHA, Ovid. Debates on Space in Contemporary Geography. Universidad Nacional de Colombia., 2003. DELGADO
MAHECHA, Ovid. Methodological trends in modern Colombian Geography. In: X Colombian Congress of Geography. ICFES. Bogotá. Editora Guadalupe Ltda., 1988.
Dollfus, Olivier. Geographic Analysis. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bEditorial Oikos-tau., 1978.
ESTÉBANEZ, Joseph. Trends and Current Problems of Geography. Editorial chisel. FRANCO
Arbelaez, Maria Cristina; FLOREZ, Antonio TORRES DE CARDENAS ROSA, DE MORENO, Amanda and MONTAÑEZ Elsa Gomez, Gustavo. Geography and Environment: Approaches and Perspectives. Bogotá, Bogotá, Ediciones Universidad de La Sabana. First edition., 1997.
G. GARCIA, Reinaldo. New Paradigms in Geography: The Case of the radicalism. In: Revista Colombia Geographic. Bogotá. Volume XI, Number 2. Codazzi., 1985.
GÓMEZ MENDOZA, Josefina; MUÑOZ JIMÉNEZ, July and Ortega Cantero, Nicholas. Geographic Thought. Interpretive study and anthology of texts (from Humboldt to radical tendencies.) Madrid, Editorial Alianza Universidad., 1982.
GEORGE, Pierre. Methods of Geography. Barcelona. Oikos-Tau Ediciones SA., 1979. Raquel GUREVICH
., Notes Teaching a Geography renewed. Social Science Education. Editorial Aique. Buenos Aires, 1995. HARO
Sabater, Juan. Quality and Environmental Conservation. Madrid. Chisel Editorial SA, 1983.
HARVEY, David. Theory, Laws and Models in Geography. Madrid. Ed Alianza Editorial., 1983
Mendieta, Jorge Alirio, Valencia, Ramón. Fundamentals and Techniques of Geography. Universidad de Caldas.
1995 Monkhouse, FJ. Dictionary of Geographical Terms. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bEditorial SA Oikos-tau. 1978.
MORAES, Antonio Carlos Robert. Ratzel, Geography. Sao Paulo. Attica SA 1990
editor Richard PEET. Modern Geographical Thought. Oxford. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998. RIVERA
Pabon, Jorge Andrés PEREZ Magda Liliana. Geography and Environment: Prospects for Analysis. In: Geographic Perspective No. 7. Land Management. IGAC-EPG. Bogotá, 2002. RIVERA
Pabon, Jorge Andrés. The role of geography in the Study of Society-Nature Relationship. Revista Luna Azul, Number 23, December 2006. ( ) Link see journals).
SANTOS, Milton. The Nature of Space. Barcelona Ariel Geography. Second Edition., 1997. --------.
Metamorphosis of living space. Barcelona. Oikos-tau., 1996.
--------. For a New Geography. Madrid. Espasa-Calpe, SA, 1990
UNWIN, Tim. The place of geography. Ediciones Cátedra SA Madrid, 1995.
VILA VALENTI, Joan. Introduction to the theoretical study of Geography. Barcelona. Editorial Ariel, SA 1983.


Internet is becoming increasingly a key vehicle for the dissemination of scientific information and an essential tool for teaching. The purpose of this note is to present a number of existing texts on the website Geocriticism in electronic journals Scripta Nova, Geography and Social Sciences ( ) and Biblio 3W. Bibliographic Review of Geography and Social Sciences ( ); magazine Scripta Vetera ( http:// / Geocriticism / text.htm ). All authors must be properly cited. The following are some examples of texts that can be obtained via internet

CAPEL, Horacio. The history of science and the History of the Scientific Disciplines. Goals and Branching of a Research Program in the History of Geography. Geocriticism, University of Barcelona. Year XIV. Number: 84., 1989.
SCHOOL, Cora. "Epistemology of Fieldwork in Geography: issues surrounding the construction of the data." Bibliographic Review of Geography and Social Sciences. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bNo. 96., 1998.
GOULD, Peter. Thinking about Geography. , University of Barcelona. Year XII. Number: 68., 1987.
GOULD, Peter. Think Like a Geographer. An Exploration in Modern Geography. Scipt magazine Nova. University of Barcelona. No. 78., 2000.
Pedone, Claudia. "The field work and qualitative methods: the need for new thinking." Scripta Nova, Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bNo. 57., 2000. Scheibling
Jacques. Qu'est-ce that Geographie. "Geography and geographies," Translation Antonio Flores. Professor Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Department of Geography.
STODDART, David. The Concept of Paradigm and the History of Geography. Geocriticism, University of Barcelona. Year VII. Number: 40., 1982.
Note: The invitation is to explore these web sites that serve the thematic diversity of geography.
[1] Cited based on: www. ucaldas. (Curriculum Bachelor of Social Sciences).

Workshop 1: Foundation of Modern Geography, Cultural Geography

Objectives :

Recognition of the theories proposed by the first schools of scientific thought in modern geography
Incorporation of the concepts promoted by geographical education.

ownership, management and argumentation concepts of the discipline of geography

Methodology: Supported

reference in the literature (see course syllabus) to conduct the presentation and argument of the following:


1 . Identify, discuss and explain the theories, concepts, methodologies, methods and techniques developed by schools in considering the philosophical thought that underpin them.

2. State and explain in words what were the social interests (political, economic and cultural) that led to the geography to bring the concepts of environmental determinism and possibility.

3. How do you think you could include this conceptualization in the teaching of geography in the school system? (What methodological and pedagogical tools proposed for the explanation and understanding of these theories)

1.2. Human Geography

content summary of program and Basic Bibliography:


Definition, objectives and usefulness of Human Geography
Fields of Study of Human Geography (Geography of Population, Urban Geography, Geography Rural-Agricultural Economic Geography (Geography Industrial, Transport and Commercial), etc.


Economic Geography Political Geography Population Geography
Cultural Geography

Space Organization Views:
Bielza DE ORY Vicente. I. General Geography Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Introductory chapter, p. 7-16)
CAPEL, Horacio and URTEAGA, Luís. New Geographies. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAula Abierta Salvat., 1985. (Points 10-28)
GEORGE, Pierre. Methods of Geography. Barcelona. Oikos-Tau Ediciones SA., 1979. (P. 75-102)
CAPEL, Horacio. Human Geography and Social Sciences. A Historical Perspective. Editorial Montesinos, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1987. (P. 9-22). James M.
RUBESTEIN An Introduction to Human Geography. Fifth Edition. Prentice Hall. Miami, 1996. (Preface, Chapter I, p. 1-55).
nail it, Paul. Evolution of Human Geography. Barcelona. Editorial Oikos-Tau. Second edition, 1981. (Chapter 1.2)


1. Size and Growth of Population Dynamics Natural
(Birth, Mortality, Fertility)
2. Demographic transitions

1. Internal and International Migration (Immigration-Emigration)
2. Migration balance
3. Exile and / or forced displacement

1. Peopling factors
2. World Population Distribution
3. Population density
4. Urban-rural distribution of population
5. Population Projections (rate and level of urbanization)
6.Estructura Population (Age, Sex, Activities)

1. Educational Characteristics, Economics of Population
2. Socio-demographic indicators (Quality of Life Index, Human Development Index, Unsatisfied Basic Needs Poverty Line and Poverty).

Bielza DE ORY Vicente. Geography General 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter II)
CHOD. Bulletins of the Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement. ( )
CORPORATION REGIONAL CENTER FOR POPULATION-CCRP. The rural-urban migration. Demonstrate a processing agent for social change. Bogotá. Volume 7. 1978. FAJARDO
MOUNTAIN, Darius. Forced Displacement: A Reading from the Political Economy. Critical Space Magazine, 2007. ( /
GONZÁLEZ BUSTELO Mabel. Banished. Forced displacement in Colombia. Doctors Without Borders. Alejandro González
. EXTERNADO UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBIA. Centre for Research on Social Dynamics (CIDS). Series II, Number 3. Bogotá, 1998.
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT. Methodological Guide 1. Basic Population elements. Series Population, Land Use and Development. Bogotá, 2004. Gloria Giraldo Naranjo
. Forced displacement in Colombia. Reinventing the identity and implications for local and national cultures. Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences, Scripta Nova. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2001. CHILD
Pavajeau José Francisco. The forced migrations of people, violence in Colombia: a tale of exodus, fear, terror, and poverty. Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences, Scripta Nova. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1999.
PEREZ OSORIO, Flor Edilma. Actors and elements in the construction of a new social category in Colombia: displaced. Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences, Scripta Nova. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2001.
PÉREZ MARTÍNEZ, Manuel Enrique. Territory and Displacement. For Cazuca Heights, City of Soacha. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, 2004. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA
. Network Space Studies and Planning, RET. Territorial dimensions of war and peace in Colombia. Editorial Unibiblos. Bogotá, 2004.
SOLIDARITY NETWORK SOCIAL. Report of population composition, Caldas, 2001.

Economic Activity: Assessment and structures.
The standard of living and large global imbalances

Space Policy and territoriality Geohistory
Traditional categories, current categories
Landscape and Space Planning and Space Settings

Bielza DE ORY Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter III)
SANTOS, Milton. The Nature of Space. Barcelona Ariel Geography. Second Edition., 1997. --------.
Metamorphosis of living space. Barcelona. Oikos-tau., 1996. Raquel GUREVICH
., Notes on the Teaching of Geography renewed. Social Science Education. Editorial Aique. Buenos Aires, 1995.

meaning and limits. Agricultural-rural geography
Factors shapers, shapers and conditions of the Agricultural Area

Traditional Farming Systems Farming Systems Evolved and / or commercial

Bielza DE ORY Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter IV)
GUREVICH Rachel., Notes Teaching a Geography renewed. Social Science Education. Editorial Aique. Buenos Aires, 1995.
Labasse, Jean. The organization of space. Elements of Applied Geography. 1979. (Chapter II, Part Two)
LAURIN, A. Sánchez, J.-E. Political Geography. In: Biblio 3W, Revista Bibliographic Geography and Social Sciences, University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bVol VII, No. 358, 2002. FERNANDEZ MARQUEZ
Dominga. Agricultural Systems. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid, 1992.
Molano, B. Joaquín. Villa de Leyva. Testing social interpretation of ecological catastrophe. FEN FUND COLOMBIA Ed. 1990.
MOLANO B, Joaquín. Archaeology landscape. Notes on Planning. In: Space and Nature, No. 44. Medellín. National University. 1994.
SANCHEZ, Joan-Eugeni. Space, economy and society. Ed century Madrid of Spain, 1991.

plant production units and industrial raw materials

Geographic Impact Energy Use
(Environment) of the Industrial Activity

Bielza DE ORY Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter VI and VIII)
GUREVICH Rachel., Notes on the Teaching of Geography renewed. Didactics Social Sciences. Editorial Aique. Buenos Aires, 1995.
Labasse, Jean. The organization of space. Elements of Applied Geography. 1979. (Chapter IV)
SANTOS, Milton. Metamorphosis of living space. Barcelona. Oikos-tau., 1996. --------.
Totality of the Place. Oikos-tau., 1996

THE CITY: Definition Classification
Urban Morphology and Structure Definition
local level (commune, district)
perceptual elements
socio-spatial differentiation

Region Metropolization conurbation process.

CAPEL, Horacio and URTEAGA, Luís. New Geographies. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAula Abierta Salvat., 1985. (Points 10-28)
CHORLEY, Richard; Haggett, Peter. Geography and Socio-Economic Models. Madrid. Institute for Local Administration. BALLESTEROS GARCIA
1971, Aurora. (Edt). Urban Geography: City multidisciplinary study object. 1995
GEORGE Pierre. Urban Geography. Ed Barcelona Ariel.
1980 HARVEY, David. Urban Development and Social Inequality. Siglo XXI Editores. 1979.
GLICK, Robert Curtis. Urban Development. Bogotá. ESAP Publications Center.
1992 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT-Codazzi. Lived Landscapes, Landscape Observed. Spatial Perception in Ecological Zoning Colombian Pacific. PARSONS
James. Antioqueña colonization in western Colombia. Carlos Valencia Editores, Bogotá. 1979. PARSONS
James. American Tropical Regions: Geographic Mission James Bogotá. Fund FEN Colombia. 1992.
CHRISTIE, Keith. Oligarchs, Peasants and Politics in Colombia. Bogotá. Ed Universidad Nacional de Colombia. PLAIN VALENCIA
1986, Albeiro. Manizales in the colonial dynamic. Universidad de Caldas. Fondo Editorial Colombia.1990
RESTREPO Abondano Manizales, Ignacio. 50 years of economic development in Manizales. Manizales. Editorials SA 1995
Kevin Lynch. The Image of the city. MIT Press. 1975.

1.3. Urban and Regional Planning

content summary of program and Basic Bibliography:

"Encounter" and defining the urban-regional issues: Recognition
field of territorial configurations from the viewpoint of the student (physical and human geography).
The regional urban question: Perspectives and rationale of the regional urban reflection
Epistemology Geographic regional urban studies

UNITED NATIONS. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat). An urbanizing world. Global Report on Human Settlements 1996. Bogotá. Tm Publishers, 1996. (Part I, Item 1). DE ORY Bielza
Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter II)
Castells, Manuel. Imperialism and Urbanization in Latin America. Barcelona. Editorial Gustavo Pili, SA 1973. (P. 7-54)
Bettini, Virginio. Elements of urban ecology. Editorial Trotta. 1998. (Introduction).
SANTOS, Milton. Metamorphosis of living space. Barcelona. Iokos-tau. 1996. (Cap. 3).
CAPEL, Horacio. Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Geography. Barcelona. Barcanova Ed., 1988. DELGADO
MAHECHA, Ovid. Debates on Space in Contemporary Geography. Universidad Nacional de Colombia., 2003.

The fact and its development: Concept and Definition of Classification
City Cities

urbanization Urban Morphology and Structure Models of Urban Structure

Regional Question: Concepts
Region The region as an area
The center-periphery region as an area social, cultural economic
The region as a territorial entity
As Bioregionalism
-environmental system as a social space built

Bielza DE ORY Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter VII)
Castells, Manuel. The urban question. Mexico. Twenty First Century Publishers SA Fifth Edition.
1978 Castells, Manuel. Research problems in urban sociology. Buenos Aires. Twenty First Century Publishers SA
Fifth Edition. 1975.
CHORLEY, Richard; Haggett, Peter. Geography and Socio-Economic Models. Madrid. Institute of Management Studies Local. BALLESTEROS GARCIA
1971, Aurora. (Edt). Urban Geography: City multidisciplinary study object. 1995
GEORGE Pierre. Urban Geography. Ed Barcelona Ariel.
1980 HARVEY, David. Urban Development and Social Inequality. Siglo XXI Editores. 1979.
GLICK, Robert Curtis. Urban Development. Bogotá. ESAP Publications Center. REGIONAL CENTER CORPORATION
1992 POPULATION-CCRP. The rural-urban migration. Demonstrate a processing agent for social change. Bogotá. Volume 7. 1978. RANGEL
Suarez, Alfredo. Regional Development. Bogotá. ESAP-Center Publications. 1993.
Kuklinski, Antoni. Polarized Development and Regional Policies: In tribute to Jacques Boudeville. Mexico. Fondo de Cultura Economica SA 1985

Regional Settings: Conformation geohistorical of west-central region (Eje \u200b\u200bcoffee) and Manizales
Territorial Systems and Subsystems. Structures on the land natural

Physical Structure of Population Structure and Population Structure

Regional Economic Structure
Historical-Cultural Structure Structure

Legal and Policy Analysis Methodologies for Urban-Regional Planning:
From Physicalism, Naturalism, organicism :
Ecosystem - Bioregionalism-Ecoregion
From functionalism-Morphology:
models of urban structure (Christaller, Hoyt, Harris) Land Model

From territorial configurations: Mixed Methods
(physiographic analysis, Landscape Ecology and Human Geography)

readings PINZON, Hermes. Foreign Visits to the Andes and S XVI. Bogotá. History Collection of the National Library. COLCULTURA, Institute of Hispanic Culture. (Introduction, pg. 235, 361)
JIMENEZ, Margarita Sandro Sideri. History of Regional Development in Colombia. Bogotá. CIDER, Universidad de Los Andes. Fondo Editorial Cerec. 1985.
JARAMILLO, Samuel; CUERVO, Luis Mauricio. The regional space configuration in Colombia. CEDE, Universidad de Los Andes. New Releases LTDA. 1987. MORALES
Benítez, Otto. Theory and Application of local and regional history. Manizales. Publications University of Caldas. 1995. (Ch. 2)
PARSONS James. Antioqueña colonization in western Colombia. Carlos Valencia Editores, Bogotá. 1979. PARSONS
James. American Tropical Regions: Geographic Mission James Bogotá. Fund FEN Colombia. 1992.
AYALA, Ulpian and Others. Urban issues in Colombia today. Bogotá. CINEP. Theory and Society Series No. 7. Jimenez, Margarita, Sandro Sideri. History of Regional Development in Colombia. Bogotá. CIDER, Universidad de Los Andes. Fondo Editorial Cerec. 1985.
MOLINA, Humberto. Colombia: Urban Housing and Underdevelopment. Bogotá. CPU - Finispro. 1979.
CHRISTIE, Keith. Oligarchs, Peasants and Politics in Colombia. Bogotá. Ed Universidad Nacional de Colombia. PLAIN VALENCIA
1986, Albeiro. Manizales in the colonial dynamic. Universidad de Caldas. Fondo Editorial Colombia.1990
RESTREPO Abondano Manizales, Ignacio. 50 years of economic development in Manizales. Manizales. Publishers SA DE ORY 1995
Bielza Vicente. General Geography 2. Taurus editions. Madrid, 1984. (Chapter VII)
Cano García, Gabriel. Approaches regional geographic analysis. Publications Services University of Seville. Ernesto Guhl
; Fornaguera, Miguel. Colombia. Planning from the regional epicenter. Bogotá. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
1969 IGAC: Codazzi. Methodology for regional analysis. In: Analysis Geographical Magazine Issue 19. Bogotá, 1991
Rondinelli. Regional analysis method applied. The spatial dimension of development policy-Bogotá: 1985
PUJADAS, Rome and FONT, Jaume. Management and Planning. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid: 1998

Development Planning in Colombia
territorial planning legislation, strategic and legal framework
participatory territorial planning and territorial organization plans
Colombian Case Study Development and Land Management: Manizales, Pereira, Armenia
conurbation process, and Metropolitan Areas
metropolization Development and management of natural resources

Labasse, Jean. The organization of space. Elements of Applied Geography. 1979.
PUJADAS, Rome and FONT, Jaume. Management and Planning. Editorial Synthesis. Madrid: 1998
CAPDEVILA, Maria de Bolos. Manual landscape science: theory, methods and applications. Barcelona: Masson, 1992
BORDA, Fals, and Others. Participatory Action Research in Colombia. Bogotá. Ed Spear Point. 1996.
PRIETO, Daniel. The Community Self-Diagnosis. OEA.Quito.

Note: See bibliography of reference (Legal Framework)

UNIT V. Case Study: Eco-region of the coffee and zoning plans of the city-region
permanent job and cross-analysis of local and regional geographical areas, review of planning exercises and land
Note: See bibliography of reference (Ecoregion)
Fieldtrip. The socio-spatial differentiation and the intensification of conflicts of ownership and land use. Coffee-comparative analysis (system of cities) and Bogotá - Cundinamarca

Country Practice : Output Report

Itinerary: Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Bogotá, Manizales return.

Justification: In the practice of field plant analysis, critical debate and confrontation in the reality of the process of conurbation, metropolization and periurbanization, rururbanización, segregation, informality (Manizales-Chinchina, Pereira-Dosquebradas-La Virginia), the processes of change in morphology associated with urban-renewal processes " Revaluation "(city victoria-Pereira, CAM-Armenia) as well as the use and management of natural resources (Finlandia-Quíndio) and their incorporation into regional development (environmental services, tourism). To do this, it is considered as a case study Ecoregion of the coffee and the management plans of the city-region (Pereira, Manizales, Armenia).

It is also important and necessary comparisons with geographic areas that have similar phenomena and larger-scale and impact (London: for processes and interrelated problems, ie territorial configuration of socio-spatial differentiation by phenomena such as displacement forced-Ciudad Bolivar, Usme, Soacha-, informality, marginality, the accumulation of capital "clousterización" the object of production planning and capital gains (gentrification, rehabilitation, upgrading, Parque Central Bavaria, Third Millennium Park-Santa Ines , etc) and their association with the location models and urban morphology (CBD-Central Business District - business centers CLLS 26, 72, 116 -, flows and development centers - Avenida El Dorado, Calle 116, North Trunk, etc), the conurbation (Bogota Chia-Soacha Cota, etc) ultimately the spatiality of these phenomena and other developed and presented in class.


General: The main objective is to generate a systematic understanding and multidetermined problems and processes of urban - regional as well as understand the territorial planning exercises developed for its solution.

Specific :

apply the concepts and methodologies of spatial analysis in the study areas. Relate
factors, variables and processes that affect the socio-historical territories (territorial analysis model: Natural-biophysical, social, environmental synthesis).
analyze and establish the impacts of space-time transformations of the areas crossed with respect to the configuration of the present territory
analyze, interpret and discuss the territorial problems that arise and are in the current socio-spatial

background reading on the issue regional urban and regional analysis as input.
Reading, discussion and analysis of spatial structures by all participants
Under the lens of land to make a direct perception of a particular landscape.


· basic and thematic mapping of the route. Book
· field and proper attire for practice (cap, papers in order, personal drug, raincoat, sunscreen, money, food and accommodation)

Output Report :
Note: Class Arrays (Analysis territorial-spatial and OT)

1. Synthesis. Current Situation Analysis and Diagnosis of
1.1.Identificar territorial problems and processes observed in the tour of the coffee-growing region (cities, rural-urban interface) and its comparison with similar processes in Bogotá and the Sabana de Bogotá:
° movement in mass
· Deforestation, fragmentation of ecosystems
• Pollution (water, soil, air, etc),
· segregation and socio-spatial marginality
· Poverty, exclusion and environmental conflicts
· Renovation or "flattening of roughness"
· Gentrification, gentrification or new inclusions, socio-spatial exclusion, etc.
1.2. Comparative analysis (similarities, differences) of the transformation processes - configuration and land between the observed areas

Note: Arrays of class (territorial-spatial analysis and OT)

Consult, to identify solutions and management strategies for these problems and processes from Territorial Land Management Plans .. Pose contradictions to be found.

Note: Use maps and legends for explanation.

2. Research:

2.1. Seed Research in History and Geography:

2.2. Digital Magazine:

3. Social Projection:

3.1. Preparing for the Design Tools participatory vision of development and peace for the East Regional de Caldas

4. Academic Production:

4.1. Lunazul Magazine (Issue 23, July-December 2006): The role of geography in the study of the relationship between society and nature.

4.2. International Seminar on Land and Culture. Goiás, Brazil. 24-27 March 2008. https: / /

4.3. Lunazul Magazine (Issue 25, July-December 2007): Some reflections on the spatial analysis and environmental management in Colombia.

4.4. Lunazul Magazine (Issue 27, July-December 2008): "Altered Landscapes": a retrospective study of management social ecological aspect. Central Cordillera. Colombian Coffee.
4.5. Atelier Geographic Magazine-UFG, Brazil (Volume 3, Number 3-2009): Interpretation socio Geographic Exclusion in an intermediate city of Colombia. Case Study, Urban Edge South East of Pereira.

4. Study Commission:

Official European Masters in Environmental Planning and Management - Doctoral Program in Advanced Research and Applied Geography. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bUB. Study Commission Resolution No. 000699.