Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How To Make Arunning Shoe Cake


FOR GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION Bachelor of Social Science *


The following academic development proposal is aimed at the geographical formation of Graduates in Social Sciences, is composed of three structural axes articulated, as are the functions of teaching, research and extension . Likewise, the proposal contemplates and considers both the Legal and Policy Framework the educational sector to national as well as guidelines and standards defined University of Caldas in Institutional Education Project - PEI - the Development Plan of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences , and in particular the provisions relating to Department of History and Geography .

In this regard, I focus on critical and analytical the National Education Act, Act 115 of 1994 - and the Policy of "Education Revolution: Colombia Aprende "which are the frame of reference on the legal, conceptual and praxiological of teaching, main purpose of the formation of Graduates in Social Sciences.

Thus the academic project deals first estimated aspects in the process of training that inspires and supports the practice of teaching to develop. These include the objectives knowledge and theoretical and methodological , which constitute the pillars of education in the discipline of geography.

Secondly, it describes and argues activity research to be conducted, promoted and strengthened in line with the provisions of the IEP and Development Plan of the Faculty, but is considering introducing and formalize new research on topics that are absent in the Department of History and Geography, which are of great relevance and importance to the academic and practical work the Bachelor of Social Science , such as and Environmental Education relation to Environmental Management .

This view represents the opening of new paths for the Bachelor from the perspective of interdisciplinary training , like you allows its incorporation into new fields of action , linking educational activity, with and in the field planning and regional development management .

In the third instance, intends to encourage the extension or social projection through strategic actions such as the promotion of geographical research that require the student outreach and inclusion of a degree in regional and local reality. To this end, proposes to study specific issues socio-natural, for example, the transformation and degradation the coffee landscape, migration and forced displacement and its impact in the reconfiguration planning, urban-rural interfaces , among other processes. In effect, social projection function will allow the student to develop from its teaching and research competence, their involvement in the local and community development.

then appears in a particular academic functions of teaching, research and extension, without ignoring complementarities and joints between them. Finally, they express a series of recommendations arising from this proposal that emphasizes the projection of a new vision of geography or "new geography" alluding to Milton
Santos [1] , and the inclusion of the "new geography" in the formation of Bachelor of Social Sciences.


The exercise of teaching geography in the area displayed as the core aspects of knowledge objectives and theoretical-methodological and pedagogical aimed at training teachers in the social sciences to serve as guiding the learning of concepts and key processes in the life sciences in basic education levels of primary, secondary, middle vocational and university education in the same way as teachers at the level of extension or community development
[2] .

In this sense, the knowledge goals are to promote a critical view of education in geography and the aims
[3] , as well as an analytical investigation of themes and concepts taught, used to examine and study the relations of society, human groups and between them and the environment. Thus, to achieve of these purposes is necessary to induce critical thinking and open discussion among participants educational activities (teacher-student-community), with respect to each and every one of the subjects to be treated. This will encourage the acquisition of knowledge through a dialectical process of deconstruction -building concepts and methodologies that are analytical approaches that underpin the discipline. This process is geared to meet and develop a holistic, interdisciplinary and synthesis to address the objects of study.

On the theoretical and methodological foundation and pedagogical activity for teaching geography, this is based on the lines of training aimed at transforming action of an educational process that enables a broad social impact. Similarly, these lines allow the compliance with the principles and requirements of the basic standards of social science powers proposed in the National Policy on Education , consistent with the knowledge management own geography with regard to the environmental issue and spatial relationships, and in turn allows to overcome its limitations, such as fragmented and segmented the relationship between society and nature and influence of thought that permeates technocentric anthropocentric and speech and geographical knowledge management
[4] .

Likewise, the proposal for teaching geography and explicitly addresses the reason for the discipline and its importance "radical" in the academic and social context of the region, to the extent that cover the roots to support the prospective vision the institution and the territory from requirements specified in "Project Manizales: District educational, cultural and university " which articulates with projects like " metropolitan area, city region and biociudad "
[5] establishing their bases in the way it is socially constructed the territory covered in their identifying characteristics of coffee culture in the mountains of the Colombian Andes, in the development of knowledge to advance the various productive activities and create the possibility of adapting various technologies to overcome the difficulties in regional geography, etc.. Similarly, the educational proposal addresses issues that are behind academically be seen as the influence poorly studied, the conditions of mountains and hillside, with the connotations that this entails for the economy, culture, social development, among other things . At the same time, you should assume the study of equatorial conditions and high rainfall give the coffee region differentiating characteristics, not only elsewhere, but with other tropical conditions. This factor has specific implications in the production, society, culture, health, environment (biodiversity and sustainability) and services [6] .

To respond to the scene and demands that requires regional and local society from various fields (academic, business, cultural, etc.) to geography, we need a comprehensive view of the lines, levels of training and specific content in the curricular component, to harmonize and combine the essence of geography as a discipline of synthesis aimed at studying and researching specific issues and assist in achieving corporate objectives and regional, as in the case of the principles and objectives of the University of PEI
[7] .

In this vein, the lines now established training areas partitioned express explanation (physical geography, biogeography, geographical risk human geography, urban planning, regional, economic and political geography and regional geography called linking area that houses the geopolitics and the "geography of areas and different scales: America, Colombia, Manizales Caldas). Therefore it is necessary and pertiente each theme and sub-discipline has as its common goal of a teleological approach study aimed to analyze specific issues, such as those claimed by the regional and local realities, including: the territorial configuration of human groups - " territorial rules "of society, regional and territorial issue from the socio-historical perspective; geography and environmental perspective (environmental character of geography), planning of development and its spatial distribution, territorial, urban and rural perspective with geography, their application in regional urban planning, the impact of globalization and globalization in different historical phases of society and its impact on geopolitics and the different geographical scales, Latin America, Colombia and the region -.

teacher Ultimately this proposal calls for the integration of theoretical discourse consistent in several geographical sub-disciplines and interests are common points in their academic work around themes and issues that require study. Thus, a new concept of territorial analysis as method for comprehensive knowledge and interpretive of the problems associated and resulting from the process of territorial construction and spatialization of collective human life requires the meeting of the subdisciplines of the social and natural sciences converge within geography. This interdisciplinary, likewise, will provide and will have the elements and criteria necessary for an understanding of the problems listed in geographical space (main objective of teaching geography.)

Thus, the teaching of geography for Graduates in Social Sciences from an early stage "in situ " in which advances in the classroom, transmission, exposure, training and development the student's ability to "learn to grasp and do" in terms of a series of knowledge, values, attitudes and procedures necessary to generate oriented pedagogy instruction on issues relevant to society registered in the geographical space . In a second phase called "ex situ " the college student on a par its formation, made a practical activity in the local and regional levels that allow you to apply the acquired knowledge and attitudinal changes from the study and resolution of specific problems.

To this end, is presented as a teaching pedagogy the debate, dialogue and permanent construction students with multiple perspectives on the objects of knowledge of the geographical discipline exposed earlier in the lines of training . The concept of problems and objects of study emerge from a critical pedagogy supported in the holistic and knowledge production from a participatory action of different actors (part of a process of individual warrants to become a collective). Thus, it is important to note how the teaching of geography is necessary to research and / or extension, as is part of the application of knowledge in the practical exercise education (education to promote in society documented and thoughtful opinion ) or search analysis and management capabilities (Community Solutions) to socio-natural (Geoenvironmental) occurring at the local, departmental and regional levels.


First, from the review of existing research lines at the Department of History and Geography demonstrates the potential of joint lines Regional History, Cultural Heritage and Regional Geography , in both interests have common in the development of research on socio and dynamic changes occurring in environmental and regional level
[8] . This proposal is based on the potentially significant contribution and the interconnections between historical geography and environmental history [9] . Studies conducted within these subdisciplines break with the traditional view of approaching the problems of the relationship between society and nature from a timeless approach, incorporating the fundamental categories of social science.

The objective of this research is interdisciplinary understanding of how society has transformed regional nature to produce a "coffee cultural landscape", being a conceptual pillar approach of the landscape in terms of conjugation of temporalities articulated by social history
[10] . Within this cultural landscape perspective is useful to analyze from the Department of History and Geography, with a teaching practice, research and extension of the "new turn" towards building an "eco-region" or area of \u200b\u200b"environmental services" that is incorporated into this new era of globalization through its environmental offer, "product" increasingly scarce and therefore more interesting for its high valuation in the current market for environmental services.

The development of research in the Bachelor of Social Sciences is part of conceptual interest realizar estudios integrados o de síntesis relativos a problemas específicos de la escala local y regional . Es así como se realza el estudio e investigación del territorio, de la territorialidad, y del lugar que ocupan las personas en el medio y el significado del espacio y el tiempo. Por esta razón, para la práctica investigativa es pertinente hacer énfasis en la forma como la geografía asume sus objetos de estudio, siendo necesaria la mirada diacrónica y la relación de los diferentes factores sociales, culturales, económicos, políticos y biofísicos que conforman el “ espacio geográfico ”.

Secondly, there is the opening a research focus its attention on epistemological and practical field of environmental education from the Social Sciences. This line will aim at developing the analysis, development and use of a pedagogical model Environmental Education, aimed at generating changes in cognition, attitudinal and ethical issues, which foster the social construction of a new relationship between man and his environment. Since the completion and implementation of RESP 's will look to extend the scope of the degree, to the extent that problems addressed county-specific environmental and define possible solutions. Thus, students who are part of the hotbed of researchers in the field, will be at the multipliers of knowledge, new skills, tools, mechanisms and coverage strategies, which ultimately recreate a change in thought and action (s) community ( s) where programs are implemented School Environmental Education (RESP), academic work, practice and extension of the Bachelor of Social Science.

In this line of research environmental education, geography fits perfectly, its content and its methods. As stated Esteban Ibañez Macarena
[11] , the physical geography studies the context of human activities, and the reciprocal influences of man and his environment, while the human geography , will study the social space and the use and management of geographic space, in order to meet the needs of men.

The geography and history (and in general social sciences), take into account some of the goals of environmental education such as the structuring of the concept of space , the passage of study the local environment of the planet, the notion of time . The study of the local environment of the province and / or region, famine and oil in the world, large urban, region, industry, agriculture, livestock, are subjects of the training program in environmental education which can be studied major environmental problems. The aim is to give pupils a number of attitudes to be in a complex world, understand the issues, exercise their rights and respect their duties as trainers of future citizens. It also aims to lead students to acquire a sense of solidarity to them a previous generations, and their contemporaries, and to understand others, respect for all differences
[12] .

Finally, we express the need to integrate with other departments, such is the case of Department of Regional Planning and Development studies and research being conducted by the Land Management Coffee. This topic of great interest for the Social Sciences require extensive discussion and dialogue intersdisciplinario. Within this perspective, attention should be territorial analysis
[13] of society, and the approach to the conceptual and legal paradigms that support the definition and regulation of land use in the territories, and the possibility of developing productive activities. Thus, the research component is of vital importance for the development of educational work of the Degree in Social Sciences and this permeates much different lines of training, and academic structures that have not submitted proximity curriculum and practice.


Exercising extension and outreach program of educational work is done based in promoting geographical research with the active participation of undergraduates in the areas and spaces where they will develop their practical activity (in educational institutions in different districts, towns and villages within the municipality of Manizales, and in general municipalities in the region where by agreement and administrative support from the university to develop research activity. In particular, the fundamental objective should include the recognition of the way it has built its geographical area according to the settlement and various socio-economic activities, ie as the current landscape of this territory is the result of its transformation during various historical eras, through the production processes associated with them (agroforestry activity: logging, livestock, crops of cocoa, coffee and sugar cane business, industrial, institutional, tourism, etc..) and population dynamics associated with forced displacement, armed conflict and its impact on the territorial reconfiguration of the region and country.

This educational process will examine and understand the main socio and environmental impacts that have occurred and are currently occurring in this area of \u200b\u200bthe country, and recognize as the basis of this problem are cultural, political, social and economic intimately linked to our perception of the world, the implications of new international geopolitical processes. In line with the interest in becoming a citizen committed to the basic themes of this millennium (the environment, peace, civic and social responsibility, etc..) Must include different perspectives (the vision of respect for nature indigenous communities, supported alternative development in environmental sustainability) to help overcome the idea of \u200b\u200bman-nature relationship that is based on the notion of "land designed to be exploited and subjugated in order to achieve the ends of man of progress, development, perfection and dominion. "

Finally, in conclusion I reiterate that the objective of this proposal for teaching, research and extension from the perspective of geography in the formation of Graduates in Social Sciences, is to emphasize the importance of "bringing the academy to the social reality in which it is located "by adopting an education for citizenship as a democratic requirement that is directed towards the formation of a citizen as a manager of social reality
[14] . This perspective cognitive, attitudinal and practice includes and assumes as a principle of professional activity since the New Geography reflexive and purposeful approach.

[1] This citation refers to the masterpiece work of Professor Milton Santos, who has contributed from the self-reflection of the discipline, the construction of concepts, deepened the epistemological debate and has sought a comprehensive view of society. See: SANTOS, Milton. For a New Geography. Editorial Espasa-Calpe, SA Madrid, 1990.
[2] Quoted based on: www. ucaldas. (Plan Undergraduate Studies in Social Sciences).
[3] The role of education and education in society is intimately linked to social objectives, such as the one hand, ensure the socialization of individuals within the dominant ideology in the society they live from the transmission of accepted knowledge, or the other, tending to generate breaks and changes that make it possible to overcome the most pressing problems of modern society such as poverty, unemployment, social marginalization, environmental degradation, etc. Quoted based on: UNWIN, Tim. The place of geography. Ediciones Cátedra, SA, 1995. P. 39.
[4] positive side of knowledge management in social sciences and geography in particular stresses the orientation towards the study of various forms of human organization and the relationships that different communities have been established and established with the natural and economic environment to survive and thrive. On the other hand, are considered certain deficiencies associated with the conceptual load which expresses the tendency to understand the environment just as the nature or the environment "surrounding" human beings, like to describe the man and the society outside the nature., see Ministry of Education. Join in the sciences: The challenge! We need to do and know how. Guidelines Series No. 7. Basic Skills Standards in the Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. P. 28 and 29.
[5] CALDAS UNIVERSITY. Institutional Educational Project of the University of Caldas. Vision for the Future, 1996-2010. p. 2
[7] PEI In establishing such principles, objectives and mission, among others, the articulation between the university and the processes and economic projects in the region, direct their efforts towards knowledge regional practice, under the criteria of modernity and sustainability, rescue and preserve the traditions and cultural identities of our environment, protection and preservation of property and cultural and natural values \u200b\u200bof the nation and region, etc.. See UNIVERSIDAD DE CALDAS. Ibid. 3-7.
[8] See the work done by historians Albeiro Valencia and Ricardo Castaño Llano Zapata, the first author on "Colonization, Foundations and Agrarian Conflict -2001" and the second on "From Socialism to Neoliberalism - 2000 "and work on" conurbation Manizales, Villamaría. Planning Municipal. Environmental physical problems "and" Environmental impact caused by the process of mining gold in the creek California California (with another department). " Quoted based on: University of Caldas. Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Development Plan 2001-2010. Manizales August 2001. p. 97, 98.
[9] The difference between historical geography and environmental history, arguably at least, sometimes only perceptible in his writing style and the varying nature of the work hermeneutic. In a first step should be mentioned that by observing the presence of environmental issues in the historical disciplines first observation made is that this has been most strongly suggested, and sometimes more explicitly worked within an equally old as the discipline is geography. Thus, one could argue that the first environmental history was made by the discipline of geography. Secondly, the two delve into the relationship between the temporal and spatial difference being the area where the focus is. The story emphasizes the theme of human agency, ie the fact that the protagonists and antagonists of its narrative are always human beings, while in the historical geography work more rigorously the exogenous variables of the ecological system. Quoted on the basis of: Palacio Germain., Astrid Ulloa, editors. Op cit. p. 124-126.
[10] A geographical work related to this theme is developed by Molano Barrero, Joaquín. Op Cit., 1990.
[11] IBÁÑEZ ESTEBAN, Macarena. Environmental education in France, England and Spain. A comparative perspective. Universidad de Oviedo-IEO Revista Iberoamericana de Education. P. 6.
[12] based Quote: Ibid., P. 6.
[13] territorial analysis of phenomena tends to elucidate and understand how they originate, produce and evolve over time, from recognition of the social and natural factors involved in its occurrence, in other words, is the process of territorial analysis (considering the social, economic political, cultural) in a human and environmental consequences resulting therefrom. This spatial analysis differs from a spatial analysis, and the latter is generally based on the "spatialization" of the phenomenon (erosion, landslide, flood, settlement, etc.) Focusing more on the instrumental use of geometry to express "configuration space" of the phenomenon, that the explanation of causal relationships between social processes (economic, political, cultural) and the effects on the environment or habitat.
[14] shared approach with Maria Alba Guedes Machado Mello, PhD, University of Barcelona. Quote based on: Inovações EDUCACIONAIS: UMA NO EXPERIENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PARK SAO Educação BARTOLOMEU-SALVADOR BAHIA, BRAZIL. In: Scripta Nova Revista. Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences. University of Barcelona. # 69 (26) August 1, 2000. p. 9.

* Proposal made by Jorge Andrés Rivera Pabón