Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mount And Blade Native ключ

Krikor and the Dead Hillbillies - Land of Truth (2009)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Public Shower Lesbian


Friday, May 15, 2009

Car Entertainment For Baby

" Explorations contemporary art to understand the world "

NOW Trobades in the Present Continuous", CCCB - (Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona).

Under Exposure NOW * "encounters in the present continuous" created as a platform for reflection on the present from the scientific, technological, artistic, social and spiritual needs that occur at the beginning of XXI century ... I found a performative installation entitled "De tota people ....( món tot Of All People in All the World to me a fascinating ...), heading of semiotics-statistic refers to the understanding today's world in "de-ratios and proportions, clearness, contradictions, paradoxes and nonsense" in different spaces, scales and stages of the political, social (demographic movements and demonstrations, work, etc..) and environmental, among others.

In any case and to be faithful to the message expressed by the authors and curators of the exhibition present below the main ideas of this work. ( hope that the translation of Catalan is the most appropriate ).

" The British theater company Stan's Cafe performative installation presents Of all people worldwide ..., a visual construction of statistics in rice which is used to represent human beings, every grain is a person. Making use of 2000 kg. of rice, the actors of the company weighed and piled the staple to quantify the range of information on around the issues NOW: How many people use solar energy in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhow many do volunteer work on English territory, how many doctors are there?, and soldiers ?.... and overlap statistics tell stories that can be moving, shocking or funny, stimulating an interactive discussion with the audience during the performance.

In this work a mixture of elements from the laboratory work, social sciences and the rigorous and thorough work of an industrial process. As the piece develops, it builds a sculptural landscape of piles of rice in constant evolution, often through interaction with the public, to whom encouraged to participate by sharing stories, concerns and suggestions of new statistics as they discover, among the massive piles of rice, the subtle links between the individual and the community, local and global, the next and the rest of the world.

Stan's Cafe is an innovative theater company, a job that encompasses a wide variety of media including video art, theater, radio and performance in a specific site, with intensive involvement of the audience "**.

The following organization of the themes I have made to present my own reading about some of the issues that stirred my attention, within the many exposed.




SOCIAL - DISEASES, inequity, inequality

* NOW not respond to a specific format, although it can manifest itself in different genres and formats. It was conceived as a work platform with several objectives in the following subject areas: Science Open Cybersphere, Eco Factor, Art Now, particle Psi, New Activism and Pop Culture.

** Copyright of Italic text: / now , newsletter.