Saturday, July 25, 2009

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Artists emblematic Chilean music scene will participate in the farewell concert offered by the group Burning Giraffe on 2 August in the room SCD Plaza Vespucio. After announcing their separation in early July, the band began to produce what would become his last show, bringing together on stage Javiera Parra, singer-songwriter Manuel García, Felipe Cadenasso, Leo Saavedra, Prague Spring, the soloist Javier Barria, Angelo Pierattini, and Manuel Burgos, bassist Golem, among others.
The presentation will consider 30 issues with the return of several songs to the repertoire in vivo, in more than two hours of music, to be presented by another guest, Sergio Freire.
recording and documentary
historical Considered for the Serena group formed in 1995, the show will be recorded for later editing a live album by Primate Study, responsible for the recording label of Pneumonia (2008), the critically acclaimed Burning Giraffe last plate. In addition, the production EspectraFilms take their cameras to every corner of the room to complete the documentary SCD produces these days on the 14-year history of the band formed by Roberto Estay, Alejandro Pino, Nicolás Moreno, Max Gilabert and Arturo Rodriguez.
The concert is on August 2 at 18:00 hrs. in the hall of the mall SCD Plaza Vespucio. The entry is $ 2,500.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

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Ribo Burning Giraffe and his new album "Totally Human"

can see a promotional video in the studio when they recorded the album and listen to the first previews of what will be "fully human", so attentive to what played in the video!


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Bright Eyes - Letting Off the Happiness (1998)

jovensuelo The second disc, but the first for some.

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Bright Eyes - Noise Floor (2006)

An album of rarities recorded between 1998 and 2005, published in 2006 again of a Bright Eyes "A Collection of Songs" album of the year presesor 98 with songs recorded during 95 and 97, in fact, several songs have that lo-fi flavor so typical home in its infancy. Basically
are documents that should be accommodated in one place but outside of work as fixed composition of their other albums (real good for desert).
When an artist always makes things so rare the term rarity becomes somewhat subjective, but always very interesting.