Monday, September 20, 2010

Abdominals Dynamic Tension

Goodbye, Summer Cooking

Dismissing the summer in Cala Mastella (Ibiza)
; A cauldron in "The Whiskers"

So far, a summer that the truth is I have flown. Tocahora Ahote start with a "new course". Many challenges and dreams just around the corner we are waiting.
Meanwhile, until it arrives next summer, keep on dreaming with the memories of that we just left ...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mini Square Cupcake Pan

... Cold melon soup with ham

The summer is coming to an end and not lose opportunity to prepare some of the refreshing dishes that we can not enjoy the rest of the year. Here you have a super easy recipe that takes as its main ingredient of the fruit star of this era: melon.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4):
- A melon of about 2 kg. (Toad skin or other variety).
- 200 gr. Spreadable fresh cheese (Philadelphia type).
- 6 slices of ham into strips (preferably Iberian).
- 4 tablespoons sliced \u200b\u200balmonds.

- Parses the melon and whisk together with the cheese. Distribute four bowls or soup plates.
- Add the ham strips.
- Toast on a griddle or frying pan, the sliced \u200b\u200balmonds with a little salt and add them to the plate.