Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Be Good At Go Karting

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Healthlite Yogurt Company Ppt

Granada Getaway

How about a getaway Grenada? Three days will be perfect for exploring the best corners of the city, visit the Alhambra (a point already part) and tapas, tapas, tapas ...
First, as always where we stayed? For the recently opened Casa de la Trinidad . A small hotel full of charm and comfort in the most central area of \u200b\u200bthe city. From some rooms you will see the Cathedral.

But if you prefer something more exclusive, do not hesitate
A stay at the spectacular Santa Paula AC

Wow, what exhaustion has just entered go! Forces will have to replace local practicing sport par excellence: tapas.
The Navas street is typical for tapas, but I recommend you Castilla Real Grill (Gold Cover by oxtail). It is next to City Hall, which, incidentally, could already tell that Christmas is coming soon ...
Nothing better to wash it down to walk through the charming and melancholy Paseo de los Tristes .

The Mirador de San Nicolas with spectacular views of the Alhambra
And, just below the lookout, my recommendation to go eat and enjoy with the five senses: El Huerto Juan Ranas

continued our route through the neighborhood Albaicín. Cármenes, lemon, cobbled slopes ... Beautiful!
Visit (forced) to Alhambra. always evocative, majestic and amazing Who was Washington Irving and could sleep within its walls and tell the wonderful stories that may or may not happen?
I send you some pictures of the fall of Granada and my special tribute to the master of famenco, son of Albaicin Enrique Morente. Morente dreams of the Alhambra (click here)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Were To Get The Master Ball In Shiny Gold

And Christmas came

This Christmas I went back to fit the tree after several years of drought abetística. It makes me very lazy then dismount and clear, not a matter of plantarte in mid-August with the tree in the middle of the room. But now I see it as, with their decorations and lights, I'm glad for the effort. I helped my niece, but she goes about defaming out there, saying it would only let him put a ball. Not true, put two.