Friday, March 25, 2011

Shooting 35mm In Low Light


include in this post a translation of Indingaos , a small book of the French Resistance veteran Stéphane Hessel in a few months has become a phenomenon literature in France. This text invites young people to stop being passive members of their society and to fight insulting against inequality, degradation of the planet and human rights violation.

Hessel In a few pages, diplomat, writer and political activist for 93 years, attacks against Western productivist thinking and mastery of the financial world on the ethics and justice, inciting to rebellion and nonconformity . It is noteworthy that the author puts emphasis on non-violence as a way forward, and how could it be otherwise in the case of one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

few interesting pages to read precisely at a time when more and more obvious economic and ecological crises.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Are There Live Descendants Of The Medici

Today more than ever: nuclear? no thanks

While Japan earthquake has put his government to fight a possible nuclear catastrophe or more taking into account that radioactivity was released into the atmosphere and had to be evacuated over 600,000 people in the world and in particular in Spain, the shock has come to the debate on the need to encourage this type of energy. In recent years pronuclear lobby was doing everything possible to change public opinion about it until now always in favor of not building more reactors. We have seen how political parties changed their position, or reinforced in the case of PP, and how it government broke a campaign promise keeping Garoña running after its useful life, at least until 2013.

The nuclear energy debate is not just a security issue, even if this one more reason to tip the balance toward one side, what is at stake is the proposed model of development. "We are committed to saving energy, limiting the consumption and renewables? Or continue looking for unlimited growth with the consequences we're seeing for all inhabitants of the planet? The only problem with the continuous increase production energy is not climate change, contrary to the arguments of the pro-nuclear. Our ecological footprint already exceeds the capacity of the planet's resources and waste assimilation.

In this line I would like to rescue an article I wrote a couple of years ago about it: "They will return the dark nuclear?

Hopefully, however, that the situation will not have big consequences and containment barriers will be able to endure even a merger in the reactor core of Fukushima Central, something that may already be happening. And d the same way as the accident at Three Mile Island, so far the closest to what is happening at the moment according to experts, stalled for three decades the nuclear program in several countries, that this situation will serve to reconsider a development model which requires a type of energy use has been proven difficult to control and the consequences of an accident can be devastating.

Anyway, I express my deepest sympathy to the Japanese people.

To better understand what happened:

nuclear alert in Japan (Ecologists in Action).

We say clearly: Nuclear NO (Juantxo Blog López de Uralde. Equo).

To follow the live coverage:
NHK World TV (Japanese TV in English).

to react:
The Greens have organized an anti-nuclear concentration in Murcia:
Day March 17.
Time: 20 hours.
Place: Plaza de Santo Domingo .
Read the announcement.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Football Mario Salieri Online Free


for Third Consecutive Year comes the Toxic Air Festival, organized by the Cultural Association Cartagena La Bola with participation Ecologists in Action Murcia Region, the Association of Naturalists Southeast (ANSE) , the Coordinator Murcia not be sold, the coke Anti Muskiz Coordinator (Vizcaya), the Association Song Author Murcia (AMCA) and various institutions, associations and social groups in the Region Murcia.
The program is as follows:
Saturday, March 12
Tables Discussion
Hall Edf Lift Round - C / Ronda de Levante, n º 10 - Old School of Economics
ROOM MARIANO - C / Avd Ciclista Mariano Rojas, s / n - Former Board Stereo
From 22:30 h:
Cutillas AND SELF