Monday, May 16, 2011

Audit Sample Size Calculator

The decrease implemented: A "kasa" outside

The program of La 2 The Green Beetle has devoted two chapters to delve into the life of the squatter community of Can Madeu and its relationship with the neighborhood. This is a great example of implementation of the decline, environmental education and the search for alternatives to the economic system

squatter movement used to build resistance in some sectors. However, the team green beetle has found that the coexistence of Can Masdeu occupied home with the neighbors could not be better.
This place is dumped into the community and imagine alternatives to the current economic and social system at a time when we are in need of solutions that work on a small scale.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Receiver And Motion Dector Transmitter

The ethical revolution as a sign of generational identity

share in this post an article I wrote in these days related with demonstrations that have now run all the cities in Spain demanding a real democracy and has been published in the Citizen's Forum column in the Region of Murcia newspaper La Opinión .

CARLOS Egio Today I woke up recalling a conversation about the future a few months ago I held a meeting with friends and I started to feel a sense of anguish that I am slowly considering quite prevalent in my generation. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think many of us we feel a little lost. And not lost as generation in the 80 horse and he almost ended up literally erased from the map, but lost because we are in a world in which all the rules have changed and we no longer serve as guidelines with which we educated.
The maxim of our fathers was to "study that will go far" ... And where? If not too precisely until that generation copaba all jobs for skilled workers in a country where the education system fails to generate university but in which the productive system is based on tourism and until recently in the construction ... and now even that.
is true, however, that many children of the middle class until recently could travel more than any other generation and choose from thousands of forms of entertainment, learning languages \u200b\u200band work as collaborators and excited with new technologies ... and, of course, we traveled to the Anglo-Saxon countries to learn English and came back, and we were still missing, and some chose the path of cooperation and returned, and still lost ...
Sometimes it seems that we walk on smoke. At most we are not educated for uncertainty and where do we ... directs all this? Whom she married and borrowed feels anxious because notice how his life is contained within the general uproar, that even her home is something to hold on because you may miss it and still continue owing everything to the bank, but not did longing for a place to return of all pilgrims.
We are skeptical to nearly all social institutions that surround us. How will maintain relationships fail when we have seen many of our parents and the rampant individualism? We are skeptical about politics, after the euphoria of the Transition and betrayals who now believes in the games? What what was the 'no fail us? " And many of us look for alternatives in a bustling social and multicolored mosaic exciting, but sometimes chaotic.
Maybe that's why many of us are still behaving like children, who after all is how many times we try, or take refuge in an evening out. And so we left for a moment the doubts aside. But the next day as usual ... and hung up killing us.
In our meeting had a majority of the unemployed and to one of our friends was regarded with some envy because I charged eight hundred euros in a full day. And to think that a few weeks ago Dean of the College of Industrial Engineers in the region told us that "what we lack is the culture of effort. We have to grit your teeth and realize that you have to work for less. " Work, hopefully, for less, impossible. And who have to grit your teeth? Young people are already doing for some time and yet, all indicators show that feeds us unemployed while the rich, with this crisis, are getting richer. Why not tighten, but anger? Why not make the fight for a fairer world a sign of generational identity? The same reasons that we, and even some least had youth May of 68 to take the streets.
born a few weeks ago Youth Without Future, a platform fighter in his own words, "the aggression against the youth group at a stage of capitalist crisis," and now goes out the platform now Real Democracy to find an 'ethical revolution' to end the use of people as commodities by opportunistic politicians and bankers. The focus of reform movements are both labor and pension systems, and marketization of public education. If you no longer serve as guidelines with which educated us consider the crisis as an opportunity and invent new ones ... or not. Against capitalist competition to promote solidarity and mutual support against the sluggishness of consumption, the rebellion against the skepticism, but also a critical look utopias.
As many do not get tired of repeating over and over again, "another world is possible." To which I add: it starts to stop being so.