Saturday, May 7, 2011

Brazilian Japanese Woman

The bright ideas that can

An interesting article published today my father in La Opinión de Murcia. They say that the greyhound breed comes ...

The bright ideas of the right that can
"We are still in the idea, which should becoming outdated and-go that there are two kinds: the rich and the enlightened of the unfortunate and beast for the job, and God is closer to the former than the latter, since it seems to reward more those 'Va While my company, ergo God loves me? "

PEDRO Egio Lo 'can' title hopes doubt what is probably beyond repair and largely because that right is very much concerned about selling the idea that Zapatero is responsible for everything bad that happens in the capitalist system, certainly in check by Franco himself, the system I mean.
That is, system structures tremble, tremble international banking, global finance shake and Zapatero, we are told, more or less convinced, ad nauseam, is the culprit, not the umbrella here in Spain, the global collapse, not who, while being president of a socialist party stands aligned with the banking and business, covering all the holes of the first and legislating shamelessly on behalf of the latter, but the 'awkward 'responsible for the downfall of the' twin towers', the rise and gradual depletion of oil, the subprime scam and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, even protests by non-African countries nothing is not it, the driver of the tsunami, the tsunami and the fatal collapse, for calling something horrible, Fukushima plant, by the way, still seems to be stronghold for some of any progress to come.
Zapatero is guilty of that and all our sorrows will end the day we put in place we, with our wonderful ideas. Do not worry, we come to defend you from the top stupidity, most of the ineffectiveness 'of the puppet', it remains to say, although it has been so magnanimous with the system, although the fund has done even better than ourselves, but we think it deserves a mausoleum when it disappears.
But do not worry! that program will not rest weaving electoral never say more than the last time, well, better let we anticipated some of our wonderful future remedies, so you can judge for yourself how much good is coming at you, what clarity of procedures, which shadowed light for eight years, we more or less openly embrace the Episcopal Conference, we will remove the current Abortion Act, to keep his post to Mr. Francisco Camps, and is supposed to
to end all grant to homosexuality, please yuck! although some of our children reach as a misfortune like any other, "to return to applaud those councils that would dare to build and build without truce to fall more and more taxes, lower retirement at 65 complementing its laughable amount to a thousand private plans clear! retirement, etc.., all wonderful steps for most mortals do not?


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