Monday, May 16, 2011

Audit Sample Size Calculator

The decrease implemented: A "kasa" outside

The program of La 2 The Green Beetle has devoted two chapters to delve into the life of the squatter community of Can Madeu and its relationship with the neighborhood. This is a great example of implementation of the decline, environmental education and the search for alternatives to the economic system

squatter movement used to build resistance in some sectors. However, the team green beetle has found that the coexistence of Can Masdeu occupied home with the neighbors could not be better.
This place is dumped into the community and imagine alternatives to the current economic and social system at a time when we are in need of solutions that work on a small scale.

View program:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Receiver And Motion Dector Transmitter

The ethical revolution as a sign of generational identity

share in this post an article I wrote in these days related with demonstrations that have now run all the cities in Spain demanding a real democracy and has been published in the Citizen's Forum column in the Region of Murcia newspaper La Opinión .

CARLOS Egio Today I woke up recalling a conversation about the future a few months ago I held a meeting with friends and I started to feel a sense of anguish that I am slowly considering quite prevalent in my generation. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think many of us we feel a little lost. And not lost as generation in the 80 horse and he almost ended up literally erased from the map, but lost because we are in a world in which all the rules have changed and we no longer serve as guidelines with which we educated.
The maxim of our fathers was to "study that will go far" ... And where? If not too precisely until that generation copaba all jobs for skilled workers in a country where the education system fails to generate university but in which the productive system is based on tourism and until recently in the construction ... and now even that.
is true, however, that many children of the middle class until recently could travel more than any other generation and choose from thousands of forms of entertainment, learning languages \u200b\u200band work as collaborators and excited with new technologies ... and, of course, we traveled to the Anglo-Saxon countries to learn English and came back, and we were still missing, and some chose the path of cooperation and returned, and still lost ...
Sometimes it seems that we walk on smoke. At most we are not educated for uncertainty and where do we ... directs all this? Whom she married and borrowed feels anxious because notice how his life is contained within the general uproar, that even her home is something to hold on because you may miss it and still continue owing everything to the bank, but not did longing for a place to return of all pilgrims.
We are skeptical to nearly all social institutions that surround us. How will maintain relationships fail when we have seen many of our parents and the rampant individualism? We are skeptical about politics, after the euphoria of the Transition and betrayals who now believes in the games? What what was the 'no fail us? " And many of us look for alternatives in a bustling social and multicolored mosaic exciting, but sometimes chaotic.
Maybe that's why many of us are still behaving like children, who after all is how many times we try, or take refuge in an evening out. And so we left for a moment the doubts aside. But the next day as usual ... and hung up killing us.
In our meeting had a majority of the unemployed and to one of our friends was regarded with some envy because I charged eight hundred euros in a full day. And to think that a few weeks ago Dean of the College of Industrial Engineers in the region told us that "what we lack is the culture of effort. We have to grit your teeth and realize that you have to work for less. " Work, hopefully, for less, impossible. And who have to grit your teeth? Young people are already doing for some time and yet, all indicators show that feeds us unemployed while the rich, with this crisis, are getting richer. Why not tighten, but anger? Why not make the fight for a fairer world a sign of generational identity? The same reasons that we, and even some least had youth May of 68 to take the streets.
born a few weeks ago Youth Without Future, a platform fighter in his own words, "the aggression against the youth group at a stage of capitalist crisis," and now goes out the platform now Real Democracy to find an 'ethical revolution' to end the use of people as commodities by opportunistic politicians and bankers. The focus of reform movements are both labor and pension systems, and marketization of public education. If you no longer serve as guidelines with which educated us consider the crisis as an opportunity and invent new ones ... or not. Against capitalist competition to promote solidarity and mutual support against the sluggishness of consumption, the rebellion against the skepticism, but also a critical look utopias.
As many do not get tired of repeating over and over again, "another world is possible." To which I add: it starts to stop being so.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bounty Absorption Rate

dialogues for change. Foundations crisis

The crisis has become the subject of our time. Each day becomes more apparent strengthening of the dangerous vicious circle that occurs between a consumer society, passive, impoverished and neoliberal political-economic system, creating a spiral of privatization of public spaces and services, a depoliticization of the citizenry, a gradual depletion of natural resources, a encubrimient or excluded and a new hegemony of financial power. The need for proposals to mutate our practices and ways of life demands a space for dialogue, analysis and transformation.

Therefore Asefi Philosophy Students Association of the Region of Murcia, is pleased to present this first academic conference that will feature three thematic roundtables organized in different, well illustrated with the projection of video-documentary:

Monday, May 16 from 18:00 to 21:00. Bldg Rector Sabater, Ronda Levante
1. ECOLOGY, ECONOMY AND ENERGY. Unsustainability of the system between practices, natural resources and human needs.
Presentation by Francisco Jaramillo, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Murcia.
Invited to the workshop:
-Julia Martínez, Researcher at the Centre for Sustainability.
-Alfonso Hernández Lara, Coordinator of ATTAC Murcia.
-Domingo Jiménez Beltrán, former director of the European Environment Agency.

Tuesday, May 17, 18:00. Cafe Ithaca
Documentary "The chimera of brick," Citizen's Forum.
projection of documentaries by ATTAC-Murcia.

Wednesday, May 18: 18:00 to 21:00. Bldg Rector Sabater, Ronda Levante
3. EXCLUSION AND INTERCULTURAL. Of minorities invisible to widespread poverty.
Invited to the workshop:
-Patricio Hernández, President of the Citizen Forum.
Manolo -Lario, Living without Racism.
-Juan Guirao, President of ACSUR-Las Segovias.
-Joaquin Sanchez, Platform Affected by the Mortgage.

Thursday, May 19 from 18:00 to 21:00. Bldg Rector Sabater, Ronda Levante
4. RESPONSIBILITY AND CITIZENSHIP. New practices for real democracy.
Invited to the workshop:
Carlos Martinez President of ATTAC-Spain.
Antonio Campillo, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.
Mariano López Pinar, CGT.

Asefi Philosophy Students Association
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Murcia

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Denise Milani Breast Expansion

Third day in Havana, between the hope of the revolution and the regime gerontocracy

Havana, April 20 2011
Whenever I have clearer that has been a success choose to stay at home of a Cuban family and not a hotel. One reason is location, the rest talk later.
We are in Central Havana, near Malecon but outside the main tourist area. What surrounds us is the real Cuba, the day to day, not the theme park which has become the beautiful Old Havana. We live in Havana of the lighting for energy savings in buying in Cuban pesos, that the facades of elegant nineteenth-century houses are cracked and unpainted, in one in which there is no public service of cleaning, or if there not appear, in which someone is repairing a car in every corner and where no one looks entice tourists to reap some benefits.
In Pictures wandering through Cuba eight days
Here are children playing in the street and women who are long queues to buy bread or a calling card gold price that allows them to call relatives living abroad. Instead of international boutiques, Old Havana there is even a Benetton store delicatessen and tearooms are tastes, popular restaurants of the state, and stores do not bother to remove the windows dusty products. Also surprised no one China Town Chinese, as most fled before to live a second revolution. This is the Cuba that we wanted to see. Old Havana is really nice but hardly anything distinguishes the old town of Cartagena de Indias, makeup and other doll without a soul, where you have to queue to enter the premises in which Hemingway was a regular client and the tourist is nothing but a bag of notes marked by a dollar sign, or euro because the dollar is taxed with higher taxes ...
The first impression I hit, I jumped at the sight of anything beyond an apparent misery and more than routine direct and indirect censorship of the state. Can not be considered even minimally free a society in which there are only three newspapers handled by a single party less than ten pages each and the international news that hardly take half. Nor one that in the XXI century is almost impossible to call abroad because the minute costs around four dollars and where the Internet is almost nonexistent because the prices are excessive and the speed is fifteen years ago elsewhere. Poverty is no excuse, Senegal is full of cafes. Not to mention the tough immigration policy.
De Photos eight days wandering through Cuba
words, the State claims, because hardly get it, directing the thought as if a select few may be above the views of other citizens. And yet, despite a certain weariness that seems to be detected in the conversations in shops, bars and street corners and in their own state of the streets that seem to speak for themselves ... despite 50 years of "permanent revolution" would appear to show a perpetual immobility, despite all, why comparing the situation of Havana with other cities in the region I think is a bad place like? Cuba high cultural level of all strata of the population is more than evident, as is access to the arts. Faced with the real misery of Colombia in the street bleeding and social differences, to name the country where I live, you can not deny that, one way of another, here you meet the basic needs of people. Against the frivolity of life in the mall and the woman's body as an object sold to cosmetic surgery, abound on this island dance and conversation.
That the law should democratize it seems essential, it is necessary to free speech, free movement of its citizens, but then Europe is responsible for closing its doors, and a real debate on excessive bureaucracy and harsh measures, including the death penalty, which stained his name. But I think nobody can deny that progress should be maintained. You should not let this country also succumb to the depredations of large corporations and international economic organizations that fill the windows but end with the sovereignty of states. Here health reaches the entire population, as well as education at all levels and 90% of Cubans own their homes. This is something rare in most of the world, something to defend tooth and nail.
addition There is another important timing issue, if the WWF said this is the only environmentally sustainable country will have to learn something from the outside. Organoponics eg, organic urban gardens that abound everywhere. The disappearance of the Soviet Union and the products made there were sent to investigate alternatives to industrialization. The car is not a basic human right, not changing clothes every season. Yet the lack of freedom of expression choking ...
It's late and tomorrow we will travel to Trinidad so I'll rest. They keep writing about this country that so many contradictions me generated. I still talk about her more than obvious English track on the beaches of all the blues and a nice and safe streets for walking ... and how much I missed walking ... and how much more violence on every corner, walking cautious ...

Brazilian Japanese Woman

The bright ideas that can

An interesting article published today my father in La Opinión de Murcia. They say that the greyhound breed comes ...

The bright ideas of the right that can
"We are still in the idea, which should becoming outdated and-go that there are two kinds: the rich and the enlightened of the unfortunate and beast for the job, and God is closer to the former than the latter, since it seems to reward more those 'Va While my company, ergo God loves me? "

PEDRO Egio Lo 'can' title hopes doubt what is probably beyond repair and largely because that right is very much concerned about selling the idea that Zapatero is responsible for everything bad that happens in the capitalist system, certainly in check by Franco himself, the system I mean.
That is, system structures tremble, tremble international banking, global finance shake and Zapatero, we are told, more or less convinced, ad nauseam, is the culprit, not the umbrella here in Spain, the global collapse, not who, while being president of a socialist party stands aligned with the banking and business, covering all the holes of the first and legislating shamelessly on behalf of the latter, but the 'awkward 'responsible for the downfall of the' twin towers', the rise and gradual depletion of oil, the subprime scam and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, even protests by non-African countries nothing is not it, the driver of the tsunami, the tsunami and the fatal collapse, for calling something horrible, Fukushima plant, by the way, still seems to be stronghold for some of any progress to come.
Zapatero is guilty of that and all our sorrows will end the day we put in place we, with our wonderful ideas. Do not worry, we come to defend you from the top stupidity, most of the ineffectiveness 'of the puppet', it remains to say, although it has been so magnanimous with the system, although the fund has done even better than ourselves, but we think it deserves a mausoleum when it disappears.
But do not worry! that program will not rest weaving electoral never say more than the last time, well, better let we anticipated some of our wonderful future remedies, so you can judge for yourself how much good is coming at you, what clarity of procedures, which shadowed light for eight years, we more or less openly embrace the Episcopal Conference, we will remove the current Abortion Act, to keep his post to Mr. Francisco Camps, and is supposed to
to end all grant to homosexuality, please yuck! although some of our children reach as a misfortune like any other, "to return to applaud those councils that would dare to build and build without truce to fall more and more taxes, lower retirement at 65 complementing its laughable amount to a thousand private plans clear! retirement, etc.., all wonderful steps for most mortals do not?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brazilian Wax In New Delhi

Out of Africa II. Postcards from Kenya. Out of Africa

The first thing I ask my friends to the return trip is: "And have you seen many animals?". View animals, and if there are many better, is a major motivation when you go to Black Africa. There, too, is a constant concern among the visitors to watch for us to be happy. In the evening, and in the lodge (hotels in nature reserves), at the end of the day photo safari, and after the typical "Jamboooo" (an "o" long, acute gives a very warm tone to the greeting), the most common question that can make the staff are: "Have you seen" the big five? The truth is that to make full watching "Big Five" (buffalo, elephant, rhino, lion and leopard) makes us all much happier. Although Kenya is obviously much more than its wildlife. Here you can see some photos that show.

Reserve Samburu Nature. Lunch at the lodge

A stop along the many miles driven per day

Arrival Aberdare Park

Lake Naivasha

Lake Nakuru

Masai village. Masai Mara Nature Reserve
Colada Masai

Leonas feasting buffalo. Well, sucking the bones ...
And, of course, Simba

Monday, May 2, 2011

Best Heat Absorbing Mat For Laptop

Right First Impressions of Havana

These are the impressions that I gathered in the travel diary the day we arrived in Cuba:

Havana, April 18, 2011

Some days it is harder to summarize what is experienced and sense on paper, and this is one of those. Since I started thinking about coming to Cuba I knew this trip would not be one more. This country is unlike any you have visited before and yet it represents for me more than others. I remember being in school when a friend first talked of Communism repeating something I should have listened to at home: Fidel Castro Cuba had saved from being the whorehouse U.S.. At that time I did not really know or what was a whore but the name of the small island stuck in my mind wrapped in a mystery.

Over time I was interested in politics and Latin American adolescents, their revolutions, their hopes and terror of the US-backed dictatorships were part of my personal myths chord hit Silvio Rodríguez or verses of Benedetti or Neruda, nothing too original otherwise. Cuba was no longer a mystery but a symbol strength and dignity.

Much has rained and more I've read since then, also on the horrors of totalitarian regimes of any sign. My values \u200b\u200bare still intact but I believe even more strongly that social injustice must be fought through a more educated and informed citizenry that demands to deepen democracy and not through repression that generates pain otherwise.

back to what we are dealing, as in all great trip out was not easy. Our first aircraft, which would lead to Panama, was delayed and was first aware of what a Colombian work visa. Today was more complicated than ever pass through immigration controls, these barriers are insurmountable for many Europeans do not perceive that it is open as if by magic our way. In Medellin I did respond to a questionnaire administered uncomfortable without any courtesy by the officer on duty, in the office of another Havana surprised me calling my name and taking me to a "partner" who asked me every detail of my stay. A few moments before getting off the plane, we heard how a passenger was being questioned Nicaraguan who was forced to reveal to the religion he professed. Last we heard was that he was taken to a separate room in the main hall.

After the bitter pill to swallow, at least for us, touched to change money into pesos convertibles and take a taxi to take us to the house in which we are staying in Centro Habana [text was written in the first day of travel]. This route already had their interest. I can not deny that I was surprised by the condition of buildings, especially that of a hospital where the broken windows were covered with plastic, nor that I was seized with sadness. The utopia of social equality is no less noble .

In Havana neighborhood is not just peeling walls, as we show in a romantic postcards and films, some buildings, unable to stand, have plummeted. The manor houses passed at the hands of the people after the revolution without losing its charm appear to reflect the resignation of many citizens. As we told the taxi driver, a Cuban earns an average of $ 25 a month so that painting is a luxury.

That does not mean that people do not have to eat. In addition to the ration card, which for now remains, although it seems that not too long, Cuba is a kind of dual market. One is internal, where you can buy commodities at a very affordable price and whose currency is the Cuban peso, the other is abroad, with international prices and paid in convertible pesos, a currency equivalent to 25 pesos and whose value is the dollar. Painting, and utensils such as toothbrushes, as we would find later, when imports are paid with the second currency and are too expensive for Cuban salaries.

Strolling through Central Havana night, with little lighting due to the shortage of oil for energy and without windows that encourage consumption, it reminds me that a city that professed the decrease be just that. Also full of people at any time that changes the mall by the conversation with the neighbor children playing in the street instead of catching the latest video games or an evening gentlemen way of fishing and not laying work overtime to pay the mortgage. In one way or another in these streets so missed practice the creative leisure environmentalists.

And yet the arrival we were shocked. When the taxi dropped us off in front of a wall without windows that are not divined the existence of any hostel and the door of which foreshadowed a dusty, dimly lit hallway, we did not imagine that the house which we were to stay would be so welcoming. Here live two women and a young proud of her English roots. Of them speak more calmly later. Moreover, a certain feeling of old Cartagena of my childhood, high ceilings and endless corridors, like those who went jogging in the house of my grandparents when I was sent to the kitchen for a glass of water.

The day has given him. Therefore we have begun to control prices rise in an instant for the tourist, as we have seen from the Malecon how the sun sank into a sea red and no boats. Before returning to rest we decided to take a rum in a small bar owned by a couple. The drink, as happens on the premises that are not made for tourists, has been pretty bad, but not the courtesy and conversation.

Heather Deep Throat Blog

I. The balloon trip

"I had a farm in Africa ...", so I decided to travel there and find out for myself the wonderful landscapes that captured the heart of Karen Blixen. Of course, no trace of Robert Redford (or anything resembling it ...).
begin this chronicle traveling with one of the most pleasant moments that I remember: the balloon flight over the Masai Mara, and a big surprise awaited us on landing in the middle of the savannah ... A delicious breakfast!
Author's Note: I was in the yellow balloon, so the photos are of the blue balloon flight (obviously not there was a bird photographer there.).