Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Graves Disease Treatment

A birthday cake

On February 1st my niece Marta fulfilled three years old
Mother! What more now!

As the occasion deserved, and although the pastry is not my specialty, I wanted to prepare a rich, beautiful birthday cake . A classic sponge cake (the only thing I do.) Yes, a little customized and ...
This was the result!

animais For if you prepare a ...

- 150 gr. flour
- 250 gr. black chocolate
- 200 gr. sugar
- 200 gr. ground almonds (or nuts)
- 4 eggs
- 150 ml. oil (or 150 gr. of butter cream)
- A little vanilla sugar

Mix dry ingredients (flour, sugar, almond)
Add oil, beaten eggs and melted chocolate before.
stirring until a homogeneous mass.
Grease a pan with butter and pour batter into it.
Bake (previously hot oven) about 40 minutes at 180 º. Fucking ready when a knife comes out clean.
Cool and unmold.

Cut the cake horizontally so that they are two equal halves and fill with plenty of strawberry jam .
Cover the entire cake with chocolate coberura .
Cool slightly (not quite) and decorate with beads three chocolates (of Value)
The ball is left center and covered with icing sugar , although it can be cool with whipped cream. Flood
three strawberries into jam (strawberry also) a bit diluted with lemon juice and place in the center.

And if the cake is for a child or a little girl you can decorate with their favorite dolls
I love it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Punnett Squares Using Horses

People who believe photographers, diamonds, rough-and-discover

you not passing that since the photograph entered the digital age, believe to be endowed with almost supernatural gift of art and I see as a kind of Helmut Newton around the house?. It is normal for us happens to everyone! Because today is taking a picture is like planning the perfect crime. If at the end, after giving your friends an hour waiting for you to focus, move the doll and shoot slightly (that is all complication), the result is a mess ... Delete! "Are you sure you want to delete this image?" "Uh?, Yes, yes, but now!" Click! and what are evidence of the crime? Agatha Christie or better rider ...
To me, despite everything, I would like to know about photography, have a great team of those with an objective to check and go back and forth capturing spectacular images, shocking, mysterious, evocative, ...
But the reality is that practically I have no idea and my great team is what an ultra-compact digital I bought definitely dazzled by design (blanquita varnished That cute!) and the number of megapixels that brought the series (That obsession with megapixels add up!). Well, I also followed the advice of a friend Optical - lens, look at the lens, which is most important! - Well I also worried about the lens ... From there, shot , shot, review, delete, shot, cut, touch up ... In the end, what happens, we just believe that one day Mr. National Geographic call our door and we beg that you give in all copyrights in our wondrous creations.
But until that time comes, I think I'll hang some of my best shots around here. These are a few years ago, I made a trip to Sri Lanka , a magical, exotic and full of contrasts (as well able to capture my target ...) ;-)
Technical Data : here the "great team" amounted to a whopping 3 megapixels.
the end, it will be true what they say my Paloma friend (that if he knows this) - Jose, if the important thing is the eye- I encouraged ...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Does A Size 12/14 Woman Look Like

This is the story of a white wall ...

... I was in a corner of the kitchen.

The wall of a small office where every morning breakfast while leaf through the newspaper (always a number behind ...) and listen to Carlos Herrera background repeat, day after day, and we 7 hours lost ... That guy! What a life of good morning!

As you have already guessed, this wall is very important because it is one of the first things that I should just get up and at least a good start the day ...
So I took time mulling over how to decorate and just not really find anything I liked ...

A clock would be a good and practical idea, but ... Too typical, no? And that there are plenty of original and fun models.
; A collage of photos? I love being surrounded by personal photos, but ... not just to convince me too.
"Perhaps a old ... dishes?
I was getting sick of so much indecision on a simple, small white wall, when suddenly, I encenció LED from y. .. I have it! I found the solution. Something decorative, original and very, convenient ...

A blackboard on the wall! Or rather, a Wall-board

Although I struggled to find the solution, the final processing was very simple. A small can of paint blackboard special (matt black) and ... Drawings, recipes, to-dos ... Every day a new wall!