Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Graves Disease Treatment

A birthday cake

On February 1st my niece Marta fulfilled three years old
Mother! What more now!

As the occasion deserved, and although the pastry is not my specialty, I wanted to prepare a rich, beautiful birthday cake . A classic sponge cake (the only thing I do.) Yes, a little customized and ...
This was the result!

animais For if you prepare a ...

- 150 gr. flour
- 250 gr. black chocolate
- 200 gr. sugar
- 200 gr. ground almonds (or nuts)
- 4 eggs
- 150 ml. oil (or 150 gr. of butter cream)
- A little vanilla sugar

Mix dry ingredients (flour, sugar, almond)
Add oil, beaten eggs and melted chocolate before.
stirring until a homogeneous mass.
Grease a pan with butter and pour batter into it.
Bake (previously hot oven) about 40 minutes at 180 ยบ. Fucking ready when a knife comes out clean.
Cool and unmold.

Cut the cake horizontally so that they are two equal halves and fill with plenty of strawberry jam .
Cover the entire cake with chocolate coberura .
Cool slightly (not quite) and decorate with beads three chocolates (of Value)
The ball is left center and covered with icing sugar , although it can be cool with whipped cream. Flood
three strawberries into jam (strawberry also) a bit diluted with lemon juice and place in the center.

And if the cake is for a child or a little girl you can decorate with their favorite dolls
I love it!


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