Monday, October 25, 2010

Table Foods For 11 Month Old

A weekend "scholar"

A different weekend ... From
Hand media company Scholar we enjoyed an exceptional literary-gastronomic journey in the hotel Barceló Asia Gardens (Benidorm).

started the event with the presentation of the writer Espido Freire. D and very eloquent and entertaining, narrated many unimaginable hidden symbolism in fairy tales and princesses most popular of all time. I was surprised after dissection that made "Cinderella" . A telling statistic was knowing how, in the original version, not the sugary Disney, more than one female to get the shoe to come into the foot of the stepsisters ay! Another fact that left me dumbfounded was the discovery that the glass slipper, perhaps, was not really of that material and yes, however, otter fur. Surely, confusion was due to a poor translation from French. Also we presented the story from other perspectives, showing, for example, as the stepmother did not have to be the evil character we know, but rather a clever entrepreneur of his time whose basic purpose was to place their daughters and make the most of profitability (as made) A Amancio Ortega of the time!
the end of his brilliant speech, there was a time for conversation and debate. Above all, we talked about whether or not should make recycling work traditional stories. Controversial topic that elicited varied opinions.

At noon, was the cuisine of the Day of the hand of Francisco Cano sommelier of restaurant "Xato" (La Nucia). We learned, we laughed and especially enjoyed a lot!

Ya, late afternoon, a little more educated in winemaking and also a little sparks, we could attend the conference Javier Sierra, one of the most successful English writers today. The author discovered some of the secrets and symbolism that hide many of the most famous masterpieces of all time. In Las Meninas, for example, Velazquez reflected, symbolically and quasi-occult elements from astronomy and astrology, two subjects that was passionate and great understanding.

As will happen to many people, The Last Supper ( Leonardo da Vinci ) is the work that attracted more interest and curiosity in me.

Did you know who really is represented as "the betrayer" of Jesus? the apostle Peter (the first pope). With this detail, the painter intended to point to Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), because it it the great rival of Ludovico Sforza, to which Leonardo worked.
All these puzzles, and many more, you can discover in her book, Forbidden Route .

So far, the story of a unforgettable weekend.
Greetings to all participants, especially Espido, Javier and Francisco who were superb, approachable and charming.
Hope Scholar every success in his career and we can enjoy many more days "erudite."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things You Should Not Do With Wax For Eyebrows

And me with this hair! Habemus

There is an unwritten law, and known to all, who says: "Renegades of your hair over all things." And so it has been since the beginning of time. Already in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra found in a clear example of nonconformity hair. It is well documented that little girl was the closest thing to Shirley Temple had been seen on both banks of the Nile But one day, so much foam hartita diffuser, came determined at the salon ...

- I want a radical change.
- Your Highness, and how you want to call it quits?
- In the Cleopatra.

And so was born the famous hairstyle so many others have copied later. Liz Taylor made it to film the movie and more cerquita ours Virtues, to tell jokes.
Cleopatra was a strong and determined woman, with clear ideas, but not always the case, the rest when we enter a hairdresser, beating around should be very careful. Hypothesized that in those places not just wash your hair, but if they can brainwash you over. That you are you so happy with your hair piece and ...

- Do not be scared that I'm cutting, I'm cupping a little, to take volume.

And you say: "Ah, the volume is bad." But then comes a day your cousin the Basin, which has the hair as if it had been licking a cow, and it is clear hairdresser ...

- Do not worry, you get a miracle product and you will see that such an impressive volume.

But the post office? "The volume is good or bad? So, little by little, as happened to Cleopatra, the rebellion began to take hold of you. A clear example what counts is my friend Paula . She's tiny, it was like Michael Jackson , but before turning white, however, now, do not leave home without hair irons in the bag and he faces a mirror and an outlet plate that you plank!

But undoubtedly the worst of it is when you give up your own essence in an excessive desire to imitate, which clearly is an impossible ... I wanted to have hair like Beyonce , to this effect seems which is always blowing in the wind, and to do was merely expose myself to strong air currents. To which I saw an alley with headwind I got there I! Look, look ... I caught a pneumonia! One day, I discovered that he had trick: the aunt is always with us before you go plugging in a fan Of course, that either! I, my good friend Jesus who loves me a lot, I asked: "Hey, you do not mind going always in front of me with a fan? I'ma single lady, I'ma single lady, I'ma single lady ... Oh, oh Ooooh, oh, oh, Ooooh!

Other celebrated cases of nonconformity capillary
muuuucho This work has

Right: Jennifer Lopez, left, too ...

Then there's take a very careful, you start with the hair ...

nonconformity Viva!

rizadito She would prefer. God gives bread ...

And here a clear example of sacrilege capillary
When have you seen a faller with a braid? Well "It is in Heaven as on Earth"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Free Sample Of Coat Drive Donation Letter

Poor Marco-Polo de Marichalar ! He thought that his wedding Numancia (let's be pedantic to say that you marry in Numancia), with Ekaterina -me-ha-lick-the-hair-a-cow , was to become the decalogue chic weddings English high society, and reaches the firstborn of Nati-than-me-meo-toa-Abascal Who remembers the "little boat" the "no wake surfer, surfing is stellar?
Here I show you a preview of what he has left the "family event." We've seen it all, the majority approves note, but some looks would send directly to the "Museum of Horrors Styling."

Glamour, Glamour ...
you see the photo and think "What a smart, Palomita Cuevas," and I say "What gives laziness! As corny as ever. image is for you to notice María García de la Rasilla , a very modern chic.

Carolina Herrera, despite the black for a wedding day was spectacular. We would have liked a half-turn of 180 º and value front, but will have to wait for the print edition ;-)

Nieves Alvarez is one of the "Club of sloth" (This, by perfect), but we must recognize that once again, succeeds in full.

Do not you love this photo? Although the dress code called "short" for women, country chic style of Eva Herzigova is perfect. The couple straight out of a sequence of "Four Weddings and a Funeral."

This entire picture is ideal, although Amaia Salamanca floripondio lacks a head and one to spare Tattoo?? in the foot. Indeed, his coat of many guests was dark gray, very British.

elegant Alejandra Prat. The headdress, the better.

Without wishing to precedent, saved from the "burn" a Carmen Martinez Bordiu. From the neck up: perfect, if we look down, too brilli, brilli . But very good for her, so worthy ... With which he plays Jose Campos-Flintstones- ...

Several guests opted for a total look red and matched. Rosario Domecq, wife Juli spectacular.
And here they are! The incredible case of "-Benjamin-Button Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart" and accompanying the poor fellow. This man is increasingly diminished. Without doubt, a clear case of "energy vampires" that will require further investigation ...

But as in any wedding boasts, always have to show someone who annoys you the photo album. In this high-born or get rid ...

But where vaaaas girl? He takes the gold, skins, headgear, accessories vintage ... But all at once no! Mari Jose Mari Jose Have you heard of "less is more", "To suggest instead of teaching "...?

But this is what eeeh eeeh what? Look I like the joy and beyond transmitting complex Caritina Goyanes, but the duster that has been planted throughout high is unforgivable.
Valeria Mazza seems that he was at home picking up the children's room (which has a lot) and says "I planted some heels and wedding pa!" . With this hanger ...

one thing to give a retro touch to your look and dress like other is to go directly to interpret "Do not cry for me ...". Argentinaaaaa Genevieve , Genoveva, never guess right.

Aaaaaahhhggg!! I do not know who wanted to look like Vicky Martín Berrocal with this outfit do Monica Bellucci abducted by the spirit of Jackie Kennedy ? I do not know, I know ... But I rather reminds me of the girlfriend of Mazinger Z in full attack maneuver.

And here, the chronicle of a portion of the event. Occasional lack detail without imports, like seeing the bride in her wedding dress, the groom's boyfriend, the godmother of "Nati-os-os I want." But that soon in

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What To Write In A Second Marriage Card

Family Matters Wedding ...

This weekend playing catch with some things in house with outstanding ...
First: and mulando to "Bricomanía" or how to restore an ancient little trunk and use it as table auxliar. For that, I set to work, plaid shirt, Basque accent "Listen, the sea Iñaki easy!".
After (small stall and everything on the site)

The second thing I did was frame and hang the sheets that Sister Bliss brought me in Rwanda. "Happiness Sister", as we affectionately call it at home, was there more than thirty years caring for hundreds of children in orphanages in Veradero subhuman conditions. Certainly, for me, she is one of the most incredible and wonderful that I have met in my life.
The reasons listed are typical scenes of life in Africa (fishing, hunting, harvesting ...) and are made with dried corn leaves, banana, sugar cane ... I love watching them!

And finally, some cooking.
After drying the chiles a few weeks my dear friend gave me Dolo
your brand new garden on land "mursianicas" ...
arrabiata Spice Spicy Oil

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Isthere Anyone That Can Modify A Vechicle Loan?

you do not you?

I've noticed a curious and I want to share with you if you happen to see the same thing, and that Sometimes certain things that happen to me and I see them as strange, then I say "Well, see if they are so strange and it happens to more people." I was thinking in relation to this that I realized that what I like to think that sport is something that has little to do with sports and practice themselves. To me, what I like is going to buy all the equipment for "my new sport." I find that this is one of the best entertainment to pass a boring Saturday morning, especially when you choose as a crime scene such a large area full of the most colorful accessories for all disciplines. Of course I also think that to go into a store they should require a "C ERTIFICATE Psychological for possession and use of credit cards ." Sometimes this can be more dangerous than walking down the street with a bulldog. But as I imagine that anyone still has any review under this type the risk is served!

remember one day, such a boring morning I say, in which suddenly, as if by magic, appeared before the mirror dressed as a tester Athina Onassis and worse, while I adjusted the boots, did not stop to give my head around the thorny issue of where the horse was going to save ... is well! You walk around the store, bewildered looking for a hat for the pool, which is what you had gone, and, unexpectedly, you meet a passage which says "Golf" and you say "Golf? And why not? If Decathlon dedicated a hall to the Golf will be because it is a very popular sport I have to try it! Besides, now that I think, if I have a field very close to home do what I do not understand is how I could be my whole life without playing golf! ". And Hala! Palos who raised you!
Imagine how far I've come ... windsurfing Neoprene, one for diving (which looks the same but not the same), squash shovels, buckets, paddle, paddle to the beach, hiking boots, ski boots, apres boots ski, running shoes, triathlon mono (which I spent there, I admit it) and not go on because my wallet ...
Although I realized the problem and I always promise not to repeat offender, I find it very difficult for me! The other day, without going any further, I was still, stone front hall Fitness and thought, "Cuisine ... And why do I want a kitchen if you always like to be? A treadmill, a bench press, vibration platform, cufflinks ... Who says I can not mount a home gym?.