Monday, October 25, 2010

Table Foods For 11 Month Old

A weekend "scholar"

A different weekend ... From
Hand media company Scholar we enjoyed an exceptional literary-gastronomic journey in the hotel Barceló Asia Gardens (Benidorm).

started the event with the presentation of the writer Espido Freire. D and very eloquent and entertaining, narrated many unimaginable hidden symbolism in fairy tales and princesses most popular of all time. I was surprised after dissection that made "Cinderella" . A telling statistic was knowing how, in the original version, not the sugary Disney, more than one female to get the shoe to come into the foot of the stepsisters ay! Another fact that left me dumbfounded was the discovery that the glass slipper, perhaps, was not really of that material and yes, however, otter fur. Surely, confusion was due to a poor translation from French. Also we presented the story from other perspectives, showing, for example, as the stepmother did not have to be the evil character we know, but rather a clever entrepreneur of his time whose basic purpose was to place their daughters and make the most of profitability (as made) A Amancio Ortega of the time!
the end of his brilliant speech, there was a time for conversation and debate. Above all, we talked about whether or not should make recycling work traditional stories. Controversial topic that elicited varied opinions.

At noon, was the cuisine of the Day of the hand of Francisco Cano sommelier of restaurant "Xato" (La Nucia). We learned, we laughed and especially enjoyed a lot!

Ya, late afternoon, a little more educated in winemaking and also a little sparks, we could attend the conference Javier Sierra, one of the most successful English writers today. The author discovered some of the secrets and symbolism that hide many of the most famous masterpieces of all time. In Las Meninas, for example, Velazquez reflected, symbolically and quasi-occult elements from astronomy and astrology, two subjects that was passionate and great understanding.

As will happen to many people, The Last Supper ( Leonardo da Vinci ) is the work that attracted more interest and curiosity in me.

Did you know who really is represented as "the betrayer" of Jesus? the apostle Peter (the first pope). With this detail, the painter intended to point to Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), because it it the great rival of Ludovico Sforza, to which Leonardo worked.
All these puzzles, and many more, you can discover in her book, Forbidden Route .

So far, the story of a unforgettable weekend.
Greetings to all participants, especially Espido, Javier and Francisco who were superb, approachable and charming.
Hope Scholar every success in his career and we can enjoy many more days "erudite."


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