Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things You Should Not Do With Wax For Eyebrows

And me with this hair! Habemus

There is an unwritten law, and known to all, who says: "Renegades of your hair over all things." And so it has been since the beginning of time. Already in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra found in a clear example of nonconformity hair. It is well documented that little girl was the closest thing to Shirley Temple had been seen on both banks of the Nile But one day, so much foam hartita diffuser, came determined at the salon ...

- I want a radical change.
- Your Highness, and how you want to call it quits?
- In the Cleopatra.

And so was born the famous hairstyle so many others have copied later. Liz Taylor made it to film the movie and more cerquita ours Virtues, to tell jokes.
Cleopatra was a strong and determined woman, with clear ideas, but not always the case, the rest when we enter a hairdresser, beating around should be very careful. Hypothesized that in those places not just wash your hair, but if they can brainwash you over. That you are you so happy with your hair piece and ...

- Do not be scared that I'm cutting, I'm cupping a little, to take volume.

And you say: "Ah, the volume is bad." But then comes a day your cousin the Basin, which has the hair as if it had been licking a cow, and it is clear hairdresser ...

- Do not worry, you get a miracle product and you will see that such an impressive volume.

But the post office? "The volume is good or bad? So, little by little, as happened to Cleopatra, the rebellion began to take hold of you. A clear example what counts is my friend Paula . She's tiny, it was like Michael Jackson , but before turning white, however, now, do not leave home without hair irons in the bag and he faces a mirror and an outlet plate that you plank!

But undoubtedly the worst of it is when you give up your own essence in an excessive desire to imitate, which clearly is an impossible ... I wanted to have hair like Beyonce , to this effect seems which is always blowing in the wind, and to do was merely expose myself to strong air currents. To which I saw an alley with headwind I got there I! Look, look ... I caught a pneumonia! One day, I discovered that he had trick: the aunt is always with us before you go plugging in a fan Of course, that either! I, my good friend Jesus who loves me a lot, I asked: "Hey, you do not mind going always in front of me with a fan? I'ma single lady, I'ma single lady, I'ma single lady ... Oh, oh Ooooh, oh, oh, Ooooh!

Other celebrated cases of nonconformity capillary
muuuucho This work has

Right: Jennifer Lopez, left, too ...

Then there's take a very careful, you start with the hair ...

nonconformity Viva!

rizadito She would prefer. God gives bread ...

And here a clear example of sacrilege capillary
When have you seen a faller with a braid? Well "It is in Heaven as on Earth"


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