Sunday, October 10, 2010

What To Write In A Second Marriage Card

Family Matters Wedding ...

This weekend playing catch with some things in house with outstanding ...
First: and mulando to "Bricomanía" or how to restore an ancient little trunk and use it as table auxliar. For that, I set to work, plaid shirt, Basque accent "Listen, the sea Iñaki easy!".
After (small stall and everything on the site)

The second thing I did was frame and hang the sheets that Sister Bliss brought me in Rwanda. "Happiness Sister", as we affectionately call it at home, was there more than thirty years caring for hundreds of children in orphanages in Veradero subhuman conditions. Certainly, for me, she is one of the most incredible and wonderful that I have met in my life.
The reasons listed are typical scenes of life in Africa (fishing, hunting, harvesting ...) and are made with dried corn leaves, banana, sugar cane ... I love watching them!

And finally, some cooking.
After drying the chiles a few weeks my dear friend gave me Dolo
your brand new garden on land "mursianicas" ...
arrabiata Spice Spicy Oil


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