Thursday, April 28, 2011

9151 Fisher Price Baby Gate

Photos wandering through Cuba eight days after the trip

Before transcribing the travel journal of this visit to Cuba, I would like to share some photos I took and that for themselves and say something about the reality of the island, at least from the one that can bring a tourist wanting to dig into it but with not too long.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Happend To Mysore Malligae

Cuba ...

Centro Habana. Photo: Carlos Egio

As I feared, after a trip to Cuba back more upset than I left. In these days I can not deny that I had time to get excited listening to Silvio in the Plaza of the Revolution (the roots are the roots), to cast into lack of freedom of expression and access to information, to feel harassed by those who try to lure the tourist to get some money, perhaps seeking to satisfy basic needs, perhaps following the chimera of consumerism, but also feel at home in the place where he resided in Havana, to assess social progress unthinkable in most countries of the region, to see poverty and often disillusionment and neglect after more than fifty years static revolution, to know the Old Havana and Trinidad and restored and freshly painted cities, like Cartagena de Indias and makeup beautiful dolls, doll without a soul, to feel safe and not walk as relaxed as I did from months ago, contain anger and helplessness in the face a regime that decided by its people but also to reflect on whether the final analysis we do not restrict the way speculation financial and IMF and World Bank in any other country, let alone how silent violence in the society we live ... we all need to deepen democracy. I have enjoyed as never, or rarely, the son and salsa, Caribbean blue in the Eastern Beaches and Playa Ancon, I again feel revulsion at an America that owners believe the future of humanity within and outside its borders and continue with an economic embargo nonsense while supporting, negotiate and promote murderous dictatorship, I have believed in a historical district of Spain in the streets of Havana, I tried to spot the Iberian Peninsula from the pier in front of an ocean on fire and I've tasted as if it were the last one omelette made by Miracles, one of our hosts.

These days, in holes that I leave work, I will share impressions and photographs, which are many and need reflection.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sewing Blog Washing Fleece

stupid asses!

must have been about twelve when the language teacher ordered us to analyze the reading class. I was so recorded that nearly twenty years later was the first thing that came to mind when the disaster began FUKUSHIN, which has already reached the level of Chernobyl on the international INES scale.
is not the tale of a radical environmentalist, but from a story by Isaac Asimov, biochemist, communicator and writer of science fiction that later I would drink the Foundation saga.

Stupid Asses!

Naron, Rigelians of the long race was the fourth of his line carrying the annals galaxies. Possessed the large book containing the list of the many breeds of all galaxies that had acquired the gift of intelligence, and the book, much less, which included those who had reached maturity and had merit join the Galactic Federation.

In the first book had crossed a few names listed above: those races that, for whatever reason, had failed. Misfortune, or bioavailable biochemical deficiencies, lack of social adaptation took their toll. However, in there had been little book that ever cross any of the names noted. At that time, Naron, enormously big and incredibly old, looked up, noting that the approach of a messenger.

-Naron-greeted the messenger. Great Lord!

"Well, well, what? Less ceremony.

"Another group of organisms has reached maturity.

"Great. Great. Rise very fast now.

Just passing year without reaching a new group. Who are those?

The messenger gave the key number of the galaxy and the world coordinates in question.

"Oh, yes," Naron said. I know. And with good cursive scored the data in the first book, then moving to the second planet's name. Used, as usual, the name under which the planet was known by the larger fraction of its own people. He wrote then: The Earth.

-Estas criaturas nuevas -dijo luego- han establecido un récord. Ningún otro grupo ha pasado de la inteligencia a la madurez tan rápidamente. No será una equivocación, espero.

- De ningún modo, señor - respondió el mensajero.

- Han llegado al conocimiento de la energía termonuclear, ¿no es cierto?

-Sí, señor.

-Bien, ése es el requisito. -Naron soltaba una risita-. Their ships will probe the space soon and will contact the Federation.

"Actually, sir," said the messenger, with reluctance, "the Observer reported that we have not yet entered the zone.

Naron was stunned.

- neither too little nor too much? Did not even have a space station?

"Not yet, sir.

"But if they have the thermonuclear energy, where do the tests and explosions?

"In his own planet, sir.

Naron stood in his six feet tall and thundered:

- In your own planet?

"Yes, sir.

With deliberate gesture, Naron took out his pen and crossed out with a line in the last entry small book. It was an unprecedented event, but is that Naron was very wise and able to see the inevitable as nobody in the galaxy.

- dumb asses! - Muttered.

Author comment:
I'm afraid this is another cautionary tale. But you will see, the nuclear danger points escalated when the U.S. and the Soviet Union, each in turn, built the fusion bomb, or hydrogen. I again feel bitter.

Home Made Car Trailers For Sale

Happy Republic Day, A by the Third!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Open Locked American Tourister

you share the corrupt politicians and developers groups on Facebook? V

Listening day after day environmental problems affecting the municipalities of Colombia I can not help wondering, not without slightly bitter, if not the politicians corrupt and developers around the world share through their online social networks to rtimañas.

Here also approved rezoning land behind closed doors with builders turn to allow implementation of macrourbanizaciones while ordinary citizens are bored in environmental committees disempowered, also moved without regard to the inhabitants of rural areas by the unstoppable advance of the cities, does not sound strange concessions for the construction of large infrastructure projects are given to friends or relatives.

The resemblance is so great that in the name of progress and the common good, there are elders who die because they can not stay in the place they were born. A story that sounds sadly familiar in Murcia where there is environmental not remember with pain and Violante Pedro , How they struggled to stay with her garden and animals and how they died when the development depraved proved once again that feelings are none of your business.

But on either side of the Atlantic, by the blue Mediterranean and the green mountains of the Andes, not only matches the speech, so do the techniques: the nominees cleverly-o only viciously-ready, full secrets a few minutes change the future of a population, the ways in which it handles all to face with other neighbors.

Will short-sighted politicians and wide pockets of their own groups on Facebook ? Will there be "I also made voters to swallow that I did not in politics to get rich" or "I also laugh birth after discussing the common good in a press conference? Do you give advice through their own social networks and share Power Point presentations explain how to escape justice? Otherwise of course it seems.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Causes Throbing Neck Pain?

Beret Award Ceremony of the Region of Murcia

100% Sustainable . Murcia. Chapter 64 from Basurama on Vimeo .

to take a lighthearted look at the problems affecting the environment in Murcia binds a humorous video on the economics of brick and golf in the region. Recorded by the cultural collective Basurama in 2008, will be kept current while standing projects like the one aimed at turning the virgin coastline of Marina de Cope in a large macrourbanización with 20 hotels, 9,000 homes and an inland marina with 2,000 berths. A project hit by the crisis that hopefully not breath resume the implementation of a theme park in Alhama de Murcia.

while hovering threats like this on nature of the region will struggle to make sense of the Focal Region of Murcia is not sold and classics such as activities and awards beret, the kind that Valcárcel said we had to remove us to embrace an economic model based on the course and construction. Precisely that which has become one of the Autonomous Communities who suffer most from the crisis and one of the most affected by corruption.

Acts of V BERET AWARDS 2011:


Monday 11 April at 20.00 am Moneo building
Topics to be discussed:

- natural areas in the Region. The future of the coast.
- truly sustainable economic alternatives for employment generation.
- Quality of life and mobility of populations, measures against climate change, renewable energy, pollution ...

Speakers: Teresa Rosique (regional deputy PSOE), regional head of Victoria Rodríguez UI environment green), Rafael Sanchez (candidate UPyD Regional Assembly) and Frederick G. Charton (candidate for mayor of Murcia and the Greens).

(* We would have liked to have the presence of any member of the Partido Popular.'ve Been invited but have not seen fit your participation)


Tuesday 12 April at 20.00 hours, Ateneo Cultural Huertano "The Birds"

(Track of Chronos, 65. Arboleja, Murcia)

Prizes awarded this year 2011 for the protection of natural and cultural heritage , to be cost-effective alternative for promoting sustainable or another model of development in the Region of Murcia and peninsular Southeast:

- Platform for mortgages affected by: Created by the Social Forum Consumur-Facua and the Assembly of unemployed people. In defense of the rights of who can not afford to pay the mortgage after the bursting of the housing bubble. Require the giving of payment is governed by law against desaucio or seizure by banks and savings banks. Riquelme Teresa picks up first affected by the CAM.

- Ecological Culmarex: a Marilo López Belluga as a driver of ecological breeding project bream and bass in marine aquaculture and Aguadulce Aguilas. Certified by the Organic Farming Council of the Region of Murcia.

- Turrión Francisco Peláez: hydrogeologist and worker in the Segura basin. For its rigorous, committed and critical areas of water, which has led, among other things, recently opposed the Segura river tubing.

- Sunday organized by RAMA unhurried Network (Self Management and Mutual Support), AMCA (Association Song Author Murcia) and biosafety (organic producers and consumers). Point made barter popular organic food, open mic, bank knowledge, networking, fun and music on the last Sunday of each month.

- El Tío Juan Rita, the crew of Aledo and the party of the crews Barranda (recently declared of National Tourist Interest) for its long history of keeping alive the musical folklore and popular traditions in the Southeast.

- Maderas Nobles. Forestry company based in the Sierra del Segura. Produce high-value timber that offsets CO2 emissions and contribute to halt desertification and climate change. Native forest trees planted Mediterranean with the seal of organic farming.

- Miguel Angel Ruiz Parra reporter for The Truth. Expert in information and environmental awareness. Awarded for his valuable opinion pieces, proposals excursions and his blog "Down to Earth" committed to the defense of nature.

- Caprilac. Dedicated to the development of excellent dairy products, artisan and organic raw milk from goats bred Murcia-Granada (southern native breed and raise English). Own farm has grazing on organic farming. Located in the town of San Isidro, Cartagena.

- Ecomensajeros. For now the only organic delivery company in the region moving by bike. They pedaled 14 years and are associated with collective ecological courier companies nationwide.

- Ateneo Cultural Huertano "The Birds." Awarded for its cuisine, and organic orchard, for the dissemination of indigenous culture and innovative, to foster solidarity and defense of the garden and biodiversity.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Carroll Cable Zip Cord

"I work hand in hand with slugs, not against them," agroecology Indignaos

Ayer fuimos a una de las salidas de campo que organiza ColyFlor, una tienda de comercio justo de Medellín puesta en marcha entre la Asociación Campesina Agroecológica de la Región de Boquerón (ACAB) y la Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sábila. Después de una pequeña charla introductoria al mundo de la agroecología, nos llevaron a visitar la finca de doña Marta Guerra, una campesina que mantiene el trabajo que comenzara su padre en los años noventa. Como ella misma nos contaba, los primeros momentos los afrontaron con some skepticism, but "thank god has been successful." While less than three thousand square meters each week not only employs five people but also has managed to overcome the effects of the rains that hit the country in recent months with fewer losses than neighbors who used chemicals.

Ten years did the process, "in-pit pit" to convert all the organic orchard. It was necessary to realize that it was more important to nourish the soil fumigate and find that home remedies like "ajoají" , As it is not difficult, a mixture of garlic and chili-could end up with pests like mojojoy worm. Of course, learning from trial and error to get the appropriate action.

the farm work is hard. Instead of buying fertilizer, and as there is enough area to have a cow that under these conditions would contaminate the water, "the struggle composting [knead] with what is in the garden and sometimes with chicken manure and purchased marranaza" . Like chickens and pigs have been bred in the same place all necessary solarized covering it with plastic "And with the heat in a month and a half, two months, killing poisons."

Agroecology in the area began as an initiative of the Corporation Ecological and Cultural Aloe Penca in 1991 set out to rescue a gap that was being drained by its owner and that would leave local families without three of the streams that provided water. Achieved its goal, the corporation made a cholinesterase analysis to measure the level of toxicity by use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on farmers and found it was high and that some families symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or vomiting. So, with National University , proposed a new way to cultivate the five most affected families.

As the beginning is never easy, began promoting consumption in order to achieve the longed for food sovereignty and eventually, in an almost spontaneous, began to roll marketing, explained William Alvarez, one of the workers ColyFlor. Today there are more than two hundred families have joined the ecological techniques through Peasant Association Agroecology Boqueron Region (ACAB) and product demand outpaces production.

As explained to us agroecology seeks three main objectives:

- The social through practices such as equity gender. That is, women can handle part of the production to become independent. "The husband is believed the king because it leads the market and get drunk."

- The politician, "stop looking economics as something familiar, something that looks like the rural community and enter into the life of the town and village." Agroecology is essential for holding the seeds, to stop buying the big multinationals like Bayer and Monsanto recovering self-sufficiency. "It's tough [to capitalism and large corporations] something as simple as chamomile extract to pests," commented.

- The Environment: can be summarized in one sentence of Dona Marta "I work hand in hand with slugs, not against them."

As fair trade through ColyFlor brand, created in 2003, the goal is to recognize minimal production costs so that there is profit margins for the farmer to allow a dignified life. Visiting the estate of Dona Marta certainly seems that this point has been achieved.

Store In addition to agro-ecological tours are organized cooking classes and talks. More information on this link: ColyFlor .

"It is seen that the field is profitable and worth being there."