Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Open Locked American Tourister

you share the corrupt politicians and developers groups on Facebook? V

Listening day after day environmental problems affecting the municipalities of Colombia I can not help wondering, not without slightly bitter, if not the politicians corrupt and developers around the world share through their online social networks to rtimaƱas.

Here also approved rezoning land behind closed doors with builders turn to allow implementation of macrourbanizaciones while ordinary citizens are bored in environmental committees disempowered, also moved without regard to the inhabitants of rural areas by the unstoppable advance of the cities, does not sound strange concessions for the construction of large infrastructure projects are given to friends or relatives.

The resemblance is so great that in the name of progress and the common good, there are elders who die because they can not stay in the place they were born. A story that sounds sadly familiar in Murcia where there is environmental not remember with pain and Violante Pedro , How they struggled to stay with her garden and animals and how they died when the development depraved proved once again that feelings are none of your business.

But on either side of the Atlantic, by the blue Mediterranean and the green mountains of the Andes, not only matches the speech, so do the techniques: the nominees cleverly-o only viciously-ready, full secrets a few minutes change the future of a population, the ways in which it handles all to face with other neighbors.

Will short-sighted politicians and wide pockets of their own groups on Facebook ? Will there be "I also made voters to swallow that I did not in politics to get rich" or "I also laugh birth after discussing the common good in a press conference? Do you give advice through their own social networks and share Power Point presentations explain how to escape justice? Otherwise of course it seems.


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