Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Causes Throbing Neck Pain?

Beret Award Ceremony of the Region of Murcia

100% Sustainable . Murcia. Chapter 64 from Basurama on Vimeo .

to take a lighthearted look at the problems affecting the environment in Murcia binds a humorous video on the economics of brick and golf in the region. Recorded by the cultural collective Basurama in 2008, will be kept current while standing projects like the one aimed at turning the virgin coastline of Marina de Cope in a large macrourbanización with 20 hotels, 9,000 homes and an inland marina with 2,000 berths. A project hit by the crisis that hopefully not breath resume the implementation of a theme park in Alhama de Murcia.

while hovering threats like this on nature of the region will struggle to make sense of the Focal Region of Murcia is not sold and classics such as activities and awards beret, the kind that Valcárcel said we had to remove us to embrace an economic model based on the course and construction. Precisely that which has become one of the Autonomous Communities who suffer most from the crisis and one of the most affected by corruption.

Acts of V BERET AWARDS 2011:


Monday 11 April at 20.00 am Moneo building
Topics to be discussed:

- natural areas in the Region. The future of the coast.
- truly sustainable economic alternatives for employment generation.
- Quality of life and mobility of populations, measures against climate change, renewable energy, pollution ...

Speakers: Teresa Rosique (regional deputy PSOE), regional head of Victoria Rodríguez UI environment green), Rafael Sanchez (candidate UPyD Regional Assembly) and Frederick G. Charton (candidate for mayor of Murcia and the Greens).

(* We would have liked to have the presence of any member of the Partido Popular.'ve Been invited but have not seen fit your participation)


Tuesday 12 April at 20.00 hours, Ateneo Cultural Huertano "The Birds"

(Track of Chronos, 65. Arboleja, Murcia)

Prizes awarded this year 2011 for the protection of natural and cultural heritage , to be cost-effective alternative for promoting sustainable or another model of development in the Region of Murcia and peninsular Southeast:

- Platform for mortgages affected by: Created by the Social Forum Consumur-Facua and the Assembly of unemployed people. In defense of the rights of who can not afford to pay the mortgage after the bursting of the housing bubble. Require the giving of payment is governed by law against desaucio or seizure by banks and savings banks. Riquelme Teresa picks up first affected by the CAM.

- Ecological Culmarex: a Marilo López Belluga as a driver of ecological breeding project bream and bass in marine aquaculture and Aguadulce Aguilas. Certified by the Organic Farming Council of the Region of Murcia.

- Turrión Francisco Peláez: hydrogeologist and worker in the Segura basin. For its rigorous, committed and critical areas of water, which has led, among other things, recently opposed the Segura river tubing.

- Sunday organized by RAMA unhurried Network (Self Management and Mutual Support), AMCA (Association Song Author Murcia) and biosafety (organic producers and consumers). Point made barter popular organic food, open mic, bank knowledge, networking, fun and music on the last Sunday of each month.

- El Tío Juan Rita, the crew of Aledo and the party of the crews Barranda (recently declared of National Tourist Interest) for its long history of keeping alive the musical folklore and popular traditions in the Southeast.

- Maderas Nobles. Forestry company based in the Sierra del Segura. Produce high-value timber that offsets CO2 emissions and contribute to halt desertification and climate change. Native forest trees planted Mediterranean with the seal of organic farming.

- Miguel Angel Ruiz Parra reporter for The Truth. Expert in information and environmental awareness. Awarded for his valuable opinion pieces, proposals excursions and his blog "Down to Earth" committed to the defense of nature.

- Caprilac. Dedicated to the development of excellent dairy products, artisan and organic raw milk from goats bred Murcia-Granada (southern native breed and raise English). Own farm has grazing on organic farming. Located in the town of San Isidro, Cartagena.

- Ecomensajeros. For now the only organic delivery company in the region moving by bike. They pedaled 14 years and are associated with collective ecological courier companies nationwide.

- Ateneo Cultural Huertano "The Birds." Awarded for its cuisine, and organic orchard, for the dissemination of indigenous culture and innovative, to foster solidarity and defense of the garden and biodiversity.


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