Sunday, April 3, 2011

Carroll Cable Zip Cord

"I work hand in hand with slugs, not against them," agroecology Indignaos

Ayer fuimos a una de las salidas de campo que organiza ColyFlor, una tienda de comercio justo de Medellín puesta en marcha entre la Asociación Campesina Agroecológica de la Región de Boquerón (ACAB) y la Corporación Ecológica y Cultural Penca de Sábila. Después de una pequeña charla introductoria al mundo de la agroecología, nos llevaron a visitar la finca de doña Marta Guerra, una campesina que mantiene el trabajo que comenzara su padre en los años noventa. Como ella misma nos contaba, los primeros momentos los afrontaron con some skepticism, but "thank god has been successful." While less than three thousand square meters each week not only employs five people but also has managed to overcome the effects of the rains that hit the country in recent months with fewer losses than neighbors who used chemicals.

Ten years did the process, "in-pit pit" to convert all the organic orchard. It was necessary to realize that it was more important to nourish the soil fumigate and find that home remedies like "ajoají" , As it is not difficult, a mixture of garlic and chili-could end up with pests like mojojoy worm. Of course, learning from trial and error to get the appropriate action.

the farm work is hard. Instead of buying fertilizer, and as there is enough area to have a cow that under these conditions would contaminate the water, "the struggle composting [knead] with what is in the garden and sometimes with chicken manure and purchased marranaza" . Like chickens and pigs have been bred in the same place all necessary solarized covering it with plastic "And with the heat in a month and a half, two months, killing poisons."

Agroecology in the area began as an initiative of the Corporation Ecological and Cultural Aloe Penca in 1991 set out to rescue a gap that was being drained by its owner and that would leave local families without three of the streams that provided water. Achieved its goal, the corporation made a cholinesterase analysis to measure the level of toxicity by use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on farmers and found it was high and that some families symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or vomiting. So, with National University , proposed a new way to cultivate the five most affected families.

As the beginning is never easy, began promoting consumption in order to achieve the longed for food sovereignty and eventually, in an almost spontaneous, began to roll marketing, explained William Alvarez, one of the workers ColyFlor. Today there are more than two hundred families have joined the ecological techniques through Peasant Association Agroecology Boqueron Region (ACAB) and product demand outpaces production.

As explained to us agroecology seeks three main objectives:

- The social through practices such as equity gender. That is, women can handle part of the production to become independent. "The husband is believed the king because it leads the market and get drunk."

- The politician, "stop looking economics as something familiar, something that looks like the rural community and enter into the life of the town and village." Agroecology is essential for holding the seeds, to stop buying the big multinationals like Bayer and Monsanto recovering self-sufficiency. "It's tough [to capitalism and large corporations] something as simple as chamomile extract to pests," commented.

- The Environment: can be summarized in one sentence of Dona Marta "I work hand in hand with slugs, not against them."

As fair trade through ColyFlor brand, created in 2003, the goal is to recognize minimal production costs so that there is profit margins for the farmer to allow a dignified life. Visiting the estate of Dona Marta certainly seems that this point has been achieved.

Store In addition to agro-ecological tours are organized cooking classes and talks. More information on this link: ColyFlor .

"It is seen that the field is profitable and worth being there."


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